Library Technology

This website contains 0.00006% of the world’s knowledge

According to reputable sources, this blog contains 0.00006% of the world’s knowledge. The large language models (LLMs) that underlie tools ...

Meet Misty, the Friendly Library Robot!

Post Views: 0 It’s 2023, and as we continue our journey into the future, some might be wondering, Where ...

A new home for Calabash – Digital Library Technology Services

Cover of an issue of Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters. In the summer of 2020, Digital Scholarship ...

Technology Checkouts Galore

January 12, 2022 · 8:22 am We’ve been busy checking out technology (laptops, hotspots, webcam, headsets) to students for the ...

Welcome Back Faculty and Students!

Binghamton University Libraries are committed to providing safe, comfortable and accessible spaces where all are free to engage in study, ...

Connecting Libraries and Learning Analytics for Student Success

Abstract The CLLASS project brought together a diverse group of library and higher education leaders and experts to:• develop models for ...