155: Another Way of Looking at Our Unschooled Kids’ Learning | Stories of an Unschooling Family


This week, I’m sharing and discussing the story, Another Way of Looking at Our Kids’ Learning

I talk about my teenager’s morning:

  • What Gemma-Rose did
  • How I could record that learning in terms of school subjects
  • And how I could think about her learning in another way

I also talk about the importance of play for both children and adults.

And I share a couple of podcast reviews that I was thrilled to receive. A big thank you to The Simple living Mom and Home Ed Fam!!




Show Notes


Blog Post

 Another Way of Looking at Our Kids’ Learning


My Unschooling Books

Curious Unschoolers: Kindle

Curious Unschoolers: paperback

Radical Unschool Love: Kindle

Radical Unschool Love: paperback



Sue Elvis





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