4 Hands-on Strategies to Help Kids Let Things Go


When working with students on conflict resolution, a big part of what I cover is letting things go. Students can grasp the strategies for calming down, using I statements, and coming up with positive solutions easily. But if they don’t know how to forgive and let go of grudges, the reoslution hasn’t really worked! Use these tips and strategies below to help kids let things go so they can move on and enjoy the beauty of life around them!

Help Kids Let Things Go

Explain Grudges to Kids

A grudge is when someone is angry or upset with another person for something that happened in the past. They might be holding ill-will or ill-wishes for that person. It’s like holding onto a bad feeling and not being able to let it go.

For example, imagine if you were playing with your friend and they accidentally broke one of your toys. Even though your friend said sorry and tried to make it right, you might still feel upset and hold a grudge against them. Instead of forgiving and moving on, you might continue to feel angry or upset with them for a long time. You might want to get even with them by breaking one of their toys.

Why We Need to Let Go of Grudges

It’s important to remember that holding a grudge can make us feel unhappy and stressed, and it can also damage our relationships with others. When we hold on to a grudge, it weighs us down, and it can take over our thoughts, making it hard to experience the positive things in life. That’s why it’s better to try and let go of grudges and forgive people when they make mistakes.

Great Children’s Books About Grudges

The Sour Grape

Get this book here

Liam Conquers Fort Grudge

Get this book here

The Gruge Grizzly

Get this story here

Help Kids Let Things Go: strategies, activities, and books to help kids let go of things and let go of grudges!

Strategies to Help Kids Let Things Go

1 – Shred it

Write about the grudge you’re holding on a piece of paper and then shred it! You can manually shred it by ripping it into small pieces over a trashcan or use a mini manual shredder.

2 – Turn it into something awesome

Write about the grudge on paper with pencil. Then, grab some markers or paint and create something awesome over it. This serves as a visual representation of letting go of the old and focusing on the new.

3 – Let it fly

Write about the grudge on a piece of paper. Then, fold it into a paper airplane and toss it into the trashcan! Or use paint or paint markers to write 1-3 words about the grudge on a rock. Then, toss it into a pond and watch it skip away.

4 – Give it away

Write the grudge on a piece of paper. Then give it away to the Grudge Grizzly! The Grudge Grizzly loves grudges and uses them to bulk up for winter. He’ll hold on to the grudge so you don’t have to. Click here to get the Grudge Grizzley story and printable materials.

Help Kids Let Things Go: strategies, activities, and books to help kids let go of things and let go of grudges!

Keep Reading:

Help Kids Let Things Go: strategies, activities, and books to help kids let go of things and let go of grudges! Counseling lesson and counseling activity for letting go of grudges. Teach kids to let things go with these counseling activities. Conflict resolution activities to move on and let things go.


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