7 Excellent Real Estate Appraisal Podcasts Every Appraiser Should Listen To – McKissock Learning


How do you stay up-to-date on the latest appraisal news and trends? Podcasts are a great source of industry information and insights. They’re also entertaining and super convenient, since you can stream them during your morning commute or while you’re driving to appraisal appointments. Whether you listen in your car or at your desk, here are seven excellent appraisal podcasts to check out.

1. Beyond the Numbers with McKissock Appraisal (New!)

We recently launched our very own can’t-miss appraisal podcast, Beyond the Numbers with McKissock Appraisal. Hosted by Julie Molendorp, this series provides an in-depth look at the profession, covering everything from what you should do if you’re just starting out, to how our current economic outlook is impacting the day-to-day dealings of real estate appraisers throughout the country. If you’re interested in learning the ins and outs of appraisal from some of the profession’s leading experts, this podcast is for you.

Here’s an example of a recent episode, titled “Leveling the Playing Field with Randy Flowers—How RSDS is Creating Change in Real Estate Appraisal.”

2. Voice of Appraisal

Voice of Appraisal is a top-rated podcast hosted by Phil Crawford. The podcast delivers the latest news and info for the working real estate appraiser. It analyses trends and issues that affect real estate appraisers nationwide. Crawford takes a straightforward approach to appraisal, real estate, banking, and politics and gives rare insights into the appraisal profession.

Here’s a recent Voice of Appraisal podcast episode, titled “We knew this day would come…,” in which Crawford breaks down the new “value acceptance” program from Fannie Mae and takes a closer look at the National Association of Appraisers:

3. The Appraiser Coach

The Appraiser Coach Podcast is another popular appraisal podcast. Hosted by Dustin Harris, a.k.a. “The Appraiser Coach,” the show provides helpful tips, tricks, ideas, and principles designed to make you a better appraisal business owner. Each week, Harris covers the latest appraisal industry news, interviews successful and influential people, talks with fellow appraisers about hot topics, and reveals his secrets to success.

Check out a recent episode, titled “How Is Chat GPT Changing the Appraisal Industry?” here:

4. Home Value Stories

Fourth on our list of top appraisal podcasts is Home Value Stories. Hosted by residential real estate appraiser Jamie Owen, this series is designed for those who would like to learn more about real estate appraisals and other real estate-related topics. On the podcast’s website, Owen states, “My goal in this podcast is to help you to see real estate and valuations in a new light, and to understand a little more about real estate and valuation.”

Here’s a sample of a recent episode, titled “Appraisal Tools I Value,” in which Owens shares some of the tools he uses to help him be more productive and professional:

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5. The Appraiser’s Advocate

The Appraiser’s Advocate is hosted by Tim Andersen, an AQB-Certified USPAP instructor since 2002, nationally-recognized appraisal instructor, speaker, consultant, mentor, and long-experienced general real estate appraiser. The podcast provides industry insights, encouragement, and advice for appraisers.

Here’s an example of a recent episode: “USPAP and Standing Tall – TAA Podcast 105”

6. Appraiser Talk

Appraiser Talk with The Appraisal Foundation is a podcast in which TAF Vice President of Appraisal Issues Lisa Desmarais and Director of Communications Amy Timmerman answer questions from every corner of the appraisal profession—from consumers to appraisers and real estate to business valuation. In each weekly episode, the hosts answer a different question submitted by listeners. Visit their website for a full catalogue of Appraiser Talk podcast episodes organized by category.

Here’s an example of a recent episode geared toward current appraisers: Episode 101: “Do advisory opinions carry the same weight as standards?”

7. The Real Value Podcast

The Real Value Podcast is hosted by well-known real estate and appraiser coach, Blaine Feyen. The podcast covers a variety of topics involving the real estate, appraisal, and lending industries. It also explores issues of success, communication, leadership, balance, marketing, social media, SEO, NLP, and more.

Listen to the latest episodes, including “5 Lessons Working in a Startup,” here.

What are your favorite real estate appraisal podcasts? Did we miss any? Join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter. And don’t forget to check out our new podcast, Beyond the Numbers with McKissock Appraisal.

Editor’s note: This post was updated on April 18, 2023.


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