8 UK Excursions that are Free for Kids


It is always a good idea to take advantage of warmer UK weather with your children and yet, you might be dealing with a limited budget. The good news is that there are plenty of absolutely free excursions that will provide lasting memories. Let’s look at eight sure-fire suggestions. 

The National Railway Museum 

If you are planning a visit to York, make it a point to frequent the National Railway Museum (1). Children are admitted for free and thanks to numerous interactive exhibitions, they will remain entertained for hours on end. 

Clifton County Park 

Located in Salford, this park occupies an impressive 48 hectares and there are plenty of natural attractions to experience. Fountains, footpaths and open meadows are only a handful of examples. This is a particularly relevant idea if your child seems to possess boundless levels of energy. 

The Tolkien Trail 

Nestled within the tranquil Birmingham countryside, the Tolkien Trail has literally been created to mimic the incredibly popular Harry Potter series. Whether or not your child is a fan of fantasy, there is little doubt that such a trek will not be forgotten any time soon. 

The London Natural History Museum 

From roaring dinosaurs to ancient species of plants and educational tours, there is indeed something here for everyone. There is even a fully animatronic Tyrannosaurus rex to meet! Children are permitted to enter for free

Roskilly’s Farm 

Found within Cornwall, this animal farm is another must-see attraction for children. Kids are allowed to obtain up-close views of many animals and the tours themselves are quit entertaining. It is also possible to hike along nearby trails such as Long Meadows and the Old withy Woods. 


This is an excellent location-agnostic activity. Hide a small “treasure” within a familiar area (such as the nearby woods). Then, provide your child with a mobile phone that can be used to track the relevant coordinates. While this activity tends to be geared towards older children, it is still a great deal of fun. Furthermore, parents can use an EYFS assessment observation and planning guide to record how their little one rises up to the challenge! 

Granary Square 

There may be times when the temperatures outside begin to rise. As opposed to sweltering in the heat, why not take an excursion to Granary Square (London). Children can cool off in the nearby fountains while parents can instead choose to relax in the shade. London with kids can be a wonderful experience if you plan ahead.  

Take a London Bus 

All children under the age of eleven can travel free on London buses. Whether you are visiting this city for the first time or simply wish to experience its metropolitan majesty, such a day trip is certainly worth the effort. 

Note that some of these activities might still require an advanced booking, so be sure to navigate to the official websites in order to learn more. After all, you cannot put a price on a memorable childhood! 


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