A Holiday Season of Gratitude – Mindful Practices


The holiday season brings a bustle of noise, festivities, and to-do’s – so much so that we often forget what the holidays really mean to us. Taking a moment to define what the holiday means to you can help you better align your actions this holiday season with your values.

Besides defining what the holidays mean to us, taking time to intentionally think about what we have (instead of what we want) during this season can have great benefits.

Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful, or the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness (Oxford Languages). When we consciously practice gratitude, our brains release serotonin and dopamine – two chemicals that lead to positive feelings and enhanced well-being.

Here are a few ways to practice gratitude this season:

1. Make a “Ta-Da” List Each Night: At the end of day, write the things that happened during the day which brought your light, peace, happiness, or simply, a smile.

2. Show Appreciation for Others: The holidays are a great time to show others how much you care about them. By taking a moment to write others a note, bring them a warm drink, or tell them what they mean to you, you will be filling up both their bucket and yours!

3. Make a “Wants” vs. Haves” Doodle: Draw some of your “wants (things you currently want)” on one side of a paper, and draw some of the things, or people, you already have in your life on the other side. Circle which things bring you positive feelings and create meaning in your life.

4. Share What You Are Thankful For! A fun way to integrate gratitude during the holidays is by sharing what each person is grateful for at the beginning of a family get-together or event!


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