A Podcast on Twitter & #MtBos



A while back I received an email from Josh Greesonbach, one of our district’s Instructional Technology Integrators, asking if I would be interested in helping with a Podcast on using Twitter.  Our district is fairly large with over 60 schools, and they have created an EdTech Hub where they are showcasing some of the things we are doing in Chesterfield County.

I was immediately on board.  I love Twitter and find it to be such a rich resource for teaching math.  To me, it’s like the PLCs we have at school, but extended way past the limits of a physical school building.  I have amazing colleagues not just in the classroom next to me, but in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Pennsylvania…..from all over.  Resources are shared freely and so is support.

I love to share my experience with Twitter and the Math-Twitter-Blog-O-Sphere (#MtBos) because I feel so strongly that others can benefit if they are willing to try it.  I’m not sure why, but I find that many teachers are just so resistant to Twitter.  I think many still think it is just a place for celebrities to post every bit of minutia about their lives….I always compare it to television programming.  If you leave your tv on E! that’s what you are going to get.  But unlike television, Twitter offers math support!  Come visit a faculty lounge where you can hang out, bounce ideas off of each other, laugh, cry, think about things from a different perspective and be challenged.  I’m hoping this Podcast will reach others in our district (and beyond!) and encourage them to try Twitter and realize some of the benefits.

Check out Chesterfield County’s Podcast on Twitter & #MtBos here:  CCPS Podcast


About merryfwilliams

High school math teacher and mom of 3 amazing kids. I have a high maintenance husky and am adding a knitting obsession to the juggling routine. @merryfwilliams on Twitter

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