Actually really easy Hebrew texts for beginners – perfect for you – Easy Learn Hebrew Blog


Access to easy Hebrew texts for beginners is essential, as is any new skill. It is necessary for those starting out learning this new skill. But, before you can even start reading, you need to learn to read the Hebrew alphabet and vowels. It seems obvious, but sometimes, it is essential to put things into perspective. Learning the basics first, will help move onto reading easy Hebrew texts quickly and easily.

It would help to learn the basics first to start learning the Hebrew language. You need to identify the method that you want to use to learn to read Hebrew, whether face-to-face or online. Some people prefer to be able to log on to their computer and work through an online program. However, some people prefer to work with a teacher in a classroom full of students.

The ten-thousand-hour rule of reading practice

Once you have chosen your preferred method of learning, it is important that you practice—and practice again and again. As with any new skill, achieving your goal will take time and effort. In 1973, Herbert Simon and William Chase introduced the concept of the ten-thousand-hour rule. They connected this rule to chess players becoming highly proficient in their field.

What does this have to do with discussing easy Hebrew texts for beginners? Everything. If you want to become fluent in reading Hebrew, you need to devote time and energy. You need to first focus on learning the basics. Once you have ‘under your belt’ then you can move on to reading easy Hebrew texts for beginners. It is important to have patience and show grit when learning becomes challenging.

Learning with the VARK system for easy Hebrew texts for beginners

The first step is to master the Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew vowels. Once you have done this, you can move on to learn Hebrew worksheets. The worksheets which will help bring everything you have learnt together. The worksheets are a great intro to using Hebrew books, regardless of how simple the books might be. It is an opportunity to put pen to paper (so to speak).

When students use the Hebrew worksheets, the activity connects perfectly with the VARK theory of adult learning. VARK stands for ‘visual’, ‘auditory’, ‘reading’, and ‘kinaesthetic’. The worksheets require you to use the ‘reading/writing’ component of the VARK way of learning. Putting pen to paper is an activity that will engage you with your learning.

What are accessible Hebrew texts for beginners?

It’s an interesting question: What exactly are easy Hebrew texts for beginners? I teach people to read Hebrew by breaking words up into syllables. The website uses the same method. In real terms, once a person is able to break a word up into syllables, does one need to use easy Hebrew texts?

Easy Hebrew texts could use a few letters and a few vowels, keeping it simple and easy for the learner, like the Easy Learn Hebrew website. The Easy Learn Hebrew website teaches a few letters and vowels at a time and teaches the learner to read them, keeping it very simple. It is essential to identify what you consider to be ‘easy’.

It is finding the resources that suit you!

Even if you learn to read Hebrew the way that I teach it (by breaking up words in syllables) you need to practice. It is definitely helpful to practice your reading using easy and engaging texts.  It might be difficult for adults to read children’s Hebrew books. However, it is beneficial to have books with simple stories and illustrations.

Another option is to read a Hebrew newspaper written for beginners. These newspapers use vowels, unlike the more advanced newspapers. The newspapers also use simple words to convey the messages, unlike the other newspapers, which use high-level language in the stories. Like the English newspapers, different newspapers target different levels of English.

What easy Hebrew texts for beginners suit you?

To find the best resources, it is important to understand your motivation for learning to read Hebrew. Some people want to learn to read Hebrew because they want to study for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Others want to learn because they want to convert to Judaism, and it is part of the conversion process.

Students who fall into these two groups need to find easy-to-read texts that align with their goals. For example, the blessing for the bread (the Hamotzi) is an easy prayer to start with. Another easy prayer is the Torah B’racha (a blessing when a person is called up to the Torah, also known as an Aliyah). Both of these prayers are short, which makes them less daunting.

Easy Hebrew texts for beginners for people going to Israel

But, if a person is learning to read Hebrew to go to Israel, it is a different motivation. Some people go to live in Israel forever. Others just want to travel there for a short while. Either way, story books or easy-to-read newspapers would be more appropriate, instead of the more religious-based texts.  Whatever you decide on, make sure you read plenty of Hebrew words and keep up with your practice!


Whatever your reason is for learning to read Hebrew, find a method that suits your learning style. Work out if you are a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinaesthetic learner. Once you learn to read Hebrew, choose easy texts. Make sure that these texts align with your goals and reasons for learning this ancient language. Make sure that they are easy Hebrew texts for beginners and are suitable for you!


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