Bringing into classroom more kinesthetic learning


Bringing into classroom more kinesthetic learning

We just read a wonderful article entitled “Restoring the Joy in Teaching” by Mrs Sarah Said at Mrs Said has been teaching for 18 years and shares her experience in returning to the classroom after the challenges of the past two years. She provides some very practical advice she gleaned from therapy and a personal values based experience. Her article is a good read for anyone as they “rejuvenate” this summer before returning to the classroom. What we found interesting are some tips she included that she plans to use in re-inventing her classroom.

Here is a brief rundown of some of her suggestions:

  • Restore flexible seating which was lost during the covid era return to the physical classroom.
  • Get to know your students through collaborative learning and relationship building experiences- have the students help design and decorate the classroom together.
  • Integrate hands-on learning with design thinking activities- more student based projects based on their passions!
  • Use music to make connections especially during transitions.

Mrs Said suggests we “prioritize finding ways to bring in more kinesthetic learning. Gallery walks, moving jigsaw assignments, and academic games are great ways to get learners engaged.”

But, how about technological tools that can help teachers achive this goal and “bring in more kinesthetic learning”?

Kinesthetic or Embodied learning links the process of learning to physical activity. It is a style of processing information through senses and movement.

If you already have the Kinems learning gaming platform in your classroom, the last suggestion is easy to implement! With Kinems students can play learning games naturally using their hand and body gestures. It is a unique platform for helping children improve their academic, cognitive and physical skills while enjoying the learning sessions.
Check out the variety of embodied learning game based activities at the Kinems Academy and start thinking ways to positively influencing children’s enjoyment though classroom-based physical activity.

You can always book an online demo session if you want to get more information.

Wishing you a fabulous summer break!


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