Broken Bones and Broken Hearts | Dedicated Review


Book Review of Broken Bones and Broken Hearts
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The Children’s Book Review

What to Expect: Friendship, hospitals, injuries, healing

From Jon-Barrett Ingels comes another irrepressible Piper story to help young readers feel better about feeling better. Piper is tackling the scary subject of broken bones and casts this time, but as always, her unfailing good humor and store of knowledge are there to put her friends and readers at ease.

Piper’s friend Dani is in hospital with a broken leg, and she’s feeling pretty scared—good thing she has Piper at her side to cheer her up! With her usual cheerful exuberance, Piper shares stories about all the fun things that happen in hospitals, from x-rays and nurse’s stations to jello and casts.

From her fall from a treehouse to her aunt’s best friend’s son’s classmate’s band-related injuries, Piper’s stories help Dani see that not even a broken leg is the end of the world. And, to help her feel better about the whole situation, Piper even lends Dani the special bird carved for her when she was in the hospital with Influenza. Dani’s leg will be better in no time!

Patrick Ballesteros’ colorful and energetic illustrations add both humor and information, showing readers exactly what to expect if they ever need to visit the hospital. A Q&A at the end of the story offers readers even more information and reassurance about how pediatricians heal broken bones. Adults reading along will have fun picking out the hidden literary puns. Broken Bones and Broken Hearts is another fantastic addition to the Piper and Enza series.

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About the Author

After finishing his education at Chapman University, Jon-Barrett Ingels moved to Los Angeles, where he developed, produced, and performed in multiple stage productions for regional theaters in and around the area. He has written and produced independent films and developed web series at the onset of the medium. He produced and hosted over 250 educational podcast episodes, including a series for the California State Library and for Chapman University. He worked as a writer for Flaunt Magazine, and his first book, How To Succeed By Failing, was published in 2015.

Jon-Barrett currently works in development, creating television and streaming series, miniseries, and feature films. He loves making his kids laugh with silly voices and characters.

Jon Barrett Ingels

About the Illustrator

Patrick Ballesteros is an international artist and educator who specializes in creating images that bring a smile to your face. He has worked as an illustrator and character designer on a variety of fun projects for Disney TVA, Nickelodeon Press, Capstone Press, Dreamworks TV, Bravo, Amazon, and DC Comics. Along with those projects, Patrick has been invited to speak and guest lecture at international festivals and events like Comic-Con International San Diego, Sketching Lab Costa Rica, Comic-Con Colombia, and Comic-Con Panamá.

His illustration work was highlighted in the film Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass and The Late Late Show with James Corden. When he is not drawing, he is usually sketching : ) Other than that, you will find him drinking boba, making his own line of toys, introducing his son to classic 1980s cartoons and movies, or secretly working on a Filipino superhero comic book.

atrick Ballesteros Illustrator Headshot

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