Call for Proposals: Fall 2024 Symposium


Call for Proposals: Fall 2024 Symposium

Iowa Law Review is now accepting proposals for the Fall 2024 Symposium.

Proposal Requirements:
Proposals should be submitted via email to Proposals must include (1) a topic, including a description of the likely appeal to the Iowa Law Review’s reading constituencies and an analysis of the relationship between the symposium and what scholarship has already been published by law reviews on the same and similar topics; (2) the nature of the articles to be published—e.g., essays or articles; (3) likely authors; (4) timing of the symposium—e.g., the fall semester of 2024; and (5) likely sources of funding. Additional relevant information may be included. Once the submission period is closed, the Iowa Law Review will select its 2024 Symposium within a week. A notification will then be sent to all who submitted a proposal.

More Information:

The Iowa Law Review’s Symposium is a biennial forum for legal scholarship—bringing together
the foremost experts on a common topic of current and future importance in the law. While legal
symposia are now ubiquitous, it was at the Iowa Law Review where they began. Since its first
Symposium on administrative law in 1933—including contributions from legal giants such as
Felix Frankfurter and John Wigmore—the Iowa Law Review’s Symposium has and continues to
host symposia on topics as varied as the law itself. The Iowa Law Review is proud of its
Symposium’s ninety-year record of facilitating excellent legal scholarship and is excited to
continue this tradition of excellence with its 2024 Symposium.

Please reach out to Layne Tieszen, Volume 109’s Symposium Articles Editor, with any questions.
He can be reached via email at The Iowa Law Review looks forward to
your submission and to continuing its tradition of excellence with its 2024 Symposium.




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About the Author
Mary Seitz – Barco Law Library, University of Pittsburgh School of Law


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