Easter around the World: EFL Classroom Activities | The TEFL Academy


While it might seem like Christmas was just yesterday, it’s that time of year again when we are bombarded with chocolate eggs and eggs-tremely bad puns! Holidays and special occasions are great to introduce into the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom for a change from the curriculum, including ideas for Easter EFL classroom activities.

But let’s first take a look at some of the traditions for Easter around the world.

Easter around the world

The world’s largest Easter celebration, which lasts one week, takes place in Guatemala. It celebrates the Passion, the Crucifix and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with marches and floats. In preparation for the marches, the streets are covered in flowers, sawdust, fruit and sand to resemble a colourful carpet. On Easter Sunday the celebration turns joyous. Fireworks are used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

In Sweden, children wear old clothes to dress up as witches. They walk around the neighbourhood and trade artwork for sweets and chocolates.

In some countries in North Western Europe, bonfires are lit on Easter Sunday and Monday.

In France, residents of a small village are known to make a giant omelette on Easter Monday! They use more than 4,500 eggs which feeds around 1,000 people!

In Spain, Easter is celebrated throughout Holy Week (or Semana Santa). Costumes of long robes and pointed hoods are worn in processions, and dramatic Biblical scenes are illustrated in floats.

Easter in Spain

On the Greek island of Corfu, people throw earthenware pots and pans filled with water out of their windows onto the street. 

Carb-lovers should consider heading to Italy for their Easter celebrations. On the island of Sicily there is a tradition called archi di pasqua (“Easter arches”). The people of the town decorate the main street with archways, domes and bell towers – all made from bread! Other natural elements like rosemary, asparagus and bay leaf are used, with the end result looking like the inside of a cathedral.

Easter in Sicily

In Poland, Easter Monday is celebrated as a water festival. If you walk the streets you’ll be soaked with buckets, balloons and water pistols.

In Bermuda, people traditionally fly kites on Good Friday. These kites are hexagonal or octagonal in shape to incorporate a cross structure. Fish and hot cross buns are enjoyed throughout the holiday. On Easter Sunday, you can attend sunrise services on beaches around the island.

Believe it or not, these are just a few ways people around the world celebrate Easter! 

Please note: Easter is a religious holiday. As such, be mindful of the situation you are teaching in. It might not be appropriate or relevant to discuss Easter in your classroom. But if you think it is a suitable idea for your classroom, here are some of our favourite ideas:

Easter EFL classroom activities

Easter EFL classroom activities for Young Learners:

  • Organise an Easter egg hunt. This can be around the classroom or even the school. 
  • Find Easter-themed colouring-in activities, puzzles and crafts. Education.com has a ton of free resources.
  • Hollow out real eggs by using a needle to prick a hole in each end. Hold the egg over a bowl and blow through one hole so that the egg white and yolk are forced out. Once the empty eggs are rinsed and dry, bring them into class to be decorated with paint, glitter or stickers.
  • Have a “sports” day, with bunny hopping races, egg and spoon races and pin-the-tail-on-the-bunny.

Easter EFL classroom activities

Read more: 6 Differences between Teaching Adults and Young Learners

Easter EFL classroom activities for teens and adults:

  • Play a pub quiz using the facts from the Easter traditions around the world (see above). Create questions related to the facts. Students can either look up the answers or try to guess. The winning team gets an Easter egg, of course!
  • Bring Easter-related food into the classroom – think chocolate eggs and hot cross buns! Your students can compare the food they usually eat over Easter.
  • Let them browse the chocolate recipes from Cadbury. Each student can choose one they would like to make, read the recipe and explain to the class how to make it.

Read more: Authenticity in the EFL Classroom

Remember, if you want to experience Easter in a foreign destination, sign up for one of our TEFL courses and you never know where you could be celebrating Easter next year.

Wherever and however you are celebrating, we hope you have a hoppy Easter!


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