Educational Gaming

Addressing the Pandemic’s Impact on Young Learners Through the Innovative AI powered Kinems Solution

The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound effects on education, particularly for the youngest students who are now showing signs of ...

What If AI Tools Could Prevent Teacher Burnout? Empowering Teachers to Deliver Engaging Learning Experiences

In the fast-paced world of education, teachers often feel overwhelmed by the demands of their profession. From crafting engaging lesson ...

Math Experts recommend a Multi-Sensory approach to Math Instruction

Did you struggle with Math when you were in school? You are not alone! Children in America score poorly on ...

This School Year Let’s Move to Learn!

Author: Dr Christine M. Casey, Ed.D., Educational Consultant Some school districts have already begun the 2023/24 school year and some ...

Remarkable school teachers

Remarkable school teachers Throughout this entire school year, remarkable school teachers have consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their students' ...

Learning Game Design for Each and Every Learner

Because every student learns differently, schools should be flexible learning environments that provide students with positive and engaging learning experiences ...

Important Research Demonstrates Enhanced Cognitive Performance in Children Who Play Video Games

Important Research Demonstrates Enhanced Cognitive Performance in Children Who Play Video Games A peer reviewed report of research from the ...

Valentine’s Day Classroom Game-based Activities

Valentine's Day Classroom Game-based Activities Don’t you just “love” February? It’s a short month! We get time off to celebrate ...

Holiday Games and Activities for December “Hump Day”!

Students and teachers love getting to try holiday game-based activities out in the classroom. Here are some examples of holiday ...

Kinems supporting Season holidays’ mood

Kinems supporting Season holidays' mood The count down for the holidays has begun! To make it more exciting, Kinems Elves ...

New Perspective for Your Classroom: Implementing the 4E’s of Cognition- Embodied, Embedded, Enactive, and Extended

Have you ever observed children at the playground? They endlessly run, jump, climb, slide and then repeat the process again ...

Bringing into classroom more kinesthetic learning

Bringing into classroom more kinesthetic learning We just read a wonderful article entitled “Restoring the Joy in Teaching” by Mrs ...

Looking for new assessment for learning methods…

Looking for new assessment for learning methods... Teachers and school leaders are increasingly rethinking their assessment methods, seeking non-intrusive ways ...

Personalized Learning helps Students with Special Needs catching up after School Shutdowns

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, it placed an enormous strain on schools across the country. School administrators and educators ...

Kids Shouldn’t Have to Struggle with Dyslexia at School: Multi-sensory Learning Games Can Help

Learning can be a complicated process requiring different capabilities and features, as well as the right conditions. When someone has ...

Updating Traditional PreK-3 Education Practices: Multisensory Games are Here to help

Every classroom must deal with the challenge of teaching children that have a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles ...

How $43 Million New Funding for Education Data Systems will Improve Special Needs Students’ Learning

There are just under 1.1 million students enrolled in the NYC school system, making it the largest school system in ...

How Schools are Overcoming the Challenges of Using Assistive Technology for Children with Multiple Disabilities

Students with multiple disabilities require a lot of support to ensure they can fully participate in school activities. This puts ...

Kinems Ho-ho-holiday Activities for Learning & Fun

Wouldn't be fun to use the winter holiday themes to motivate learning? Look down for some Kinems engaging ways to ...

Fostering “reading to learn” from early years of schooling with the StoryFlights learning game

As studies show that early math skills are one of the best predictors of later success in both math and ...

The Mario Method Form a question, create a hypothesis, predict the outcome, test your theory. Sound familiar? You probably recognize ...

Getting the Most out of HTML5 | Filament Games

Quality matters. Your audience does not care about the technology you used to develop your game. The big questions for ...

Why Build Learning Games? | Filament Games

If you could create any game, what would you make? Would it be a chaotic universe where anyone can be ...

The Balancing Act: Including Others in Your Designs | Filament Games

Designers, we are not the only ones with ideas and solutions. There is a careful balance we must maintain between ...

Quality Assurance and Learning Games | Filament Games

One of the challenges the QA team at Filament faces is that our players are often children and our team is ...