Engineering a Model of the Reproductive System – Learn. Build. Teach


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Every school year, I drag having to teach the reproductive system to my students. Not because I don’t enjoy the topic but rather because it means I spend my whole day talking about what is sex and what is not sex. Yet, as soon as I start the unit, I am quickly reminded of the importance of my job in guiding children’s understanding of their reproductive system. They have lots of questions and I am always happy to share the chillax science behind human sexuality. And of course, when it comes to teaching the topic I get excited about the new opportunities to make it fun and engaging. After all, we learn best with a multi-sensory approach that help us process, store, and retrieve pertinent information. So, in this blog post, I share with you a simple engineering project that will help your students concretely think about the anatomy of the reproductive system for structures often attributed to males and females.

I will walk you through a model for a human with a vulva genital and a model for a penis genital. You can make these models out of materials you most likely have at home already. In addition, you can display these models to go along your instruction. If you choose to modify the materials please leave a comment and share your ideas.


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