Fun Math Game to Survive the Holidays – Middle School Math and Science


To start the game I will present a question. The groups should confer with each other and answer the question. I have them write their answer using a dry erase board. You could also use the Draw It feature on Nearpod and have them send in their answer.


I usually start with the first group and ask them a question. If they get the answer right they get a point and also get to pick a square from the Point Quest game board.

You have two choices of game boards to choose from. One set of boards has only positive points. The other game board has positive and negative points. I have someone from the group pick a square by uncovering it. Whatever number is revealed will be added to their score. If you use the game board with positive and negative numbers teams can have points deducted from their scores.

If the group misses the problem, I pick a random group by drawing sticks. I check their answer. If they get the question correct then they will get to pick a square from the game board. If they miss the question, I pick another group and continue until I get a group that has the answer correct. Each group that gets the question correct gets a point for the game, but only one group gets to pick from the Point Quest game for bonus points.

Another way I play this game is to let the group that has the answer first pick from the game board. When playing this way, I ask the class a question and each group answers it. One person from the group writes the answer to the problem on their dry-erase board and stands up. Once they are standing they cannot talk and they cannot change their answer unless they sit back down. I write down the order that the groups stand up.

Once every group has answered, I start checking. Using my list that shows the order in which the groups stood up, I start checking answers. The first group that has the answer correct will be allowed to remove a tile from the Point Quest board. Every group that has the correct answer will get a point but only the group that had the correct answer first will get to pick from the board. If you are using the game board with positive and negative numbers, the group can decide if they want to pick from the game board or if they want another group to pick.

Continue playing asking different questions. When time is up or all of the questions are used the group with the highest amount of points wins. 


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