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Gift Ideas for Kids With Dyslexia | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

A list of gift ideas that kids with dyslexia will love and learn with!

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Have you ever heard of that gift-giving saying that says to give something they want, something they need, and something to read? Well, this post will cover the something they need or something to read categories.

If you’re like me (and probably most homeschooling parents) you want to balance the gift-giving with things our kids want like XBoxes and Legos with things that help them learn and think and move.

Over the years, I’ve gathered lists of toys, books, and other resources that our family has used and loved including games, books, and toys. Many of them help strengthen specific areas of weakness that are common to kids with dyslexia and ADHD which you can read about under each category.

Toy and Game Gift Ideas for Kids With Dyslexia

Building and Engineering Toys

From unique building sets to coding and circuit building sets, there are a variety of hands-on learning ‘toys’ for your engineering-minded kids.

Games to Improve Executive Function

Executive functions help humans to plan, prepare, organize, and stay focused. Kids with ADHD are notoriously lacking in this area however, one of the most effective ways to increase executive functions is playing games!

Graphic Novels Kids Love

Graphic novels are similar to comic books of old. With small amounts of text and engaging images, kids who struggle with reading or dislike reading often find success and build confidence by reading graphic novels.

Physical Games for Movement and Exercise

Physical activity, balance activities, and movements involving large muscle groups have been shown to increase focus and mental clarity as well as mood.

Multi-sensory Math Games and Resources

The underlying skill required for success with math is the ability to think and reason. These games encourage that kind of thinking. Your kids will have so much fun they won’t even know they are building their brains!

Games for Reading and Spelling

Anytime you can have fun with words you are exposing your kids to language in a non-threatening way. One way we have been able to include younger, non-readers in these games is to form teams with a reader and non-reader so teams are balanced.

Hands-On Science

Anytime an activity is hands-on learning is increased exponentially. Think about it. Would you rather sit and listen to someone talk about the human body or would you rather build a model of the human body?

Craft Kits for Kids and Teens

From cool paint-by-number kits to colorful polymer clay packs and guides, crafts kits make great gifts for creative, hands-on learners.

Memberships and Classes for Kids

Video Art Lessons

Join the fun at!

These chalk pastel lessons have been a huge hit with my kids – even my kids who generally dislike writing and drawing due to dysgraphia. Chalk pastels are very forgiving and not super precise plus the content of these courses is highly engaging!

Nature Study Live and Recorded Classes

No Sweat Nature Study is just that. It is an engaging, gentle approach to teaching about all aspects of nature.

Experiences as Gifts

Do you ever feel like your kids have too much stuff? Me too!

Over the years our family has acquired so many Legos, dolls, stuffed animals, and other toys that Christmas can seem like too much stuff!

Here are some ideas for experiences you can gift your kids that will be enjoyed throughout the year.

Zoo Membership
Museum Membership
Local Passes (trampoline parks, skating, pool, etc)
Concert Tickets
Theater Tickets
Art or Music Lessons
Dance Lessons
Martial Arts Lessons
Sports Camps or Special Training
Date Coupons for some special 1-on-1 time with you
Movie Tickets
Spa Day or Nail Salon Certificates

Are you looking for the perfect gift for the homeschool moms in your life? Here is my complete list of gifts for homeschool moms that I would love to receive!

Rizwan Ahmed
Rizwan Ahmed, founded by Rizwan Ahmed, is an educational platform dedicated to empowering students and professionals in the all fields of life. Discover comprehensive resources and expert guidance to excel in the dynamic education industry.


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