GRE Vocabulary | Problems faced, Vocab Words & Practice [2023]


Apart from the above-mentioned tips, what other ways exist that can help you build a strong GRE vocabulary? Let us look at them now!

Read from a wide range of sources:

As a GRE aspirant, you should be reading from a wide range of sources—be it books, articles, publications, or magazines. But why do we recommend this? 

Read articles of different genres and topics 

This is the best thing you can do while reading for the purpose of building your vocabulary. Reading from a wide range of sources exposes you to different styles of writing, various patterns of thought, and, most importantly, different topics. Since the GRE itself curates it’s questions from different subjects and fields, acclimatizing yourself to such texts will help in processing such advanced content much faster. You will accumulate a lot of knowledge by reading articles from different genres and will also become familiar with the jargon used within that particular genre. 

For example, if you are reading articles from Psychology, then you will start to recognize concepts such as catatonic states, schizophrenia, neuroplasticity, and psychosis. However, not just any text will do. The content that you consume must utilize the advanced and complex language that is found in the GRE. Hence, articles from the Guardian, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Scientific American, etc., are great sources, to begin with.  

Word curiosity and contexts:

Whenever you read anything and come across a particular word that you may not be familiar with, we recommend you search for its meaning and, upon understanding its usage, reread the text in which you found it. This will help reinforce this word in your memory. Not only would you have learned the meaning, but you would have also understood its usage in a given sentence, which will further help in vocabulary retention. 

Be curious about the meaning of unfamiliar words, and do not get intimidated by them. After all, words are abstract concepts used to help us communicate, not frighten us.  

Watch a few TV Series:

The best way to learn any language is to expose oneself to it as much as possible. Since TV is one of the major sources of media consumption in our lives today, it would be a good idea to harness these easily accessible resources to help build our vocabulary. Well-written English TV series and documentaries will help you build your arsenal of words in an exciting and engaging way. Try to watch without the use of subtitles, and listen carefully to the dialogue as it is being spoken. Pick up new words and look up their meanings. This is another effective way to learn.

Do not consider vocabulary building to be a chore. When we attach the word ‘task’ to anything, we tend to lose interest and motivation and begin procrastinating. Take it one step at a time, and let your curiosity lead you. It can’t always be fun, but it need not always be boring or monotonous either. It’s all about your approach and the strategies you employ. Think of words as little decoders, helping you unravel those complicated English passages! 


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