When you help general ed students interact with special ed students, you open up a whole new world for students of all abilities.
Here are some tips and tricks for helping general ed students feel more comfortable with and be more inclusive of their special ed peers in the general ed classroom setting.
Interacting with Special Ed Students
In the modern classroom, it is important for students to learn how to interact with and understand those who are different from them. This is particularly true when it comes to special education students sharing a general education classroom, as both groups can benefit greatly from learning how to interact with each other in an educational setting.
Here are some tips on helping general ed students learn to interact with their special ed classmates:
Education is Key
Teaching general ed students about disabilities and related topics will help them understand the importance of inclusion and develop an understanding of their peers. Encouraging group discussions or activities that focus on these topics can create an open dialogue about empathy, compassion, and acceptance for all students in the classroom.
An example of an activity that could be used to teach empathy to students is role-playing. Role-playing allows students to put themselves in another person’s shoes and better understand their feelings and experiences. For instance, one can have a group of students pretend to experience activities from another student’s perspective. This could include having them complete tasks, answer questions, or interact with other students while using communication techniques that would be more common among people with disabilities.
Great examples of this would be to experience reading through the eyes of someone with dyslexia or navigating the playground in a wheelchair. Doing this can help general ed students understand the challenges that their special education peers face daily and help them develop compassion for those who are different from them.
Teachers can educate their class about the importance of inclusion during these activities by providing facts or statistics related to the topic, as well as encouraging open dialogue and discussion between all students. This exercise will help reinforce empathy in the classroom and create a sense of acceptance among all students regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
Model the Behavior You Want to See
As the teacher, it is important that you model how to interact with special ed students in your classroom. Showing respect and kindness towards all of your students will set a positive example for others to follow.
Pair Up General Ed and Special Ed Students When Possible
Whenever possible, pair up general ed and special ed students in activities or projects throughout the year, as this can help both sides learn about each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests on a more personal level.
Developing personal friendships with other students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can make it easier to have empathy for their needs and limitations. By getting to know someone on a more personal level, it can be easier to better understand how they experience the world and how their disability can affect them in different ways.
For example, if a special education student has autism and struggles with social interaction or communication, forming meaningful relationships with general ed students can help them learn coping strategies or techniques that will make it easier for them to navigate social situations in the future.
In addition to building interpersonal relationships, developing a personal friendship with another student also encourages empathy through deeper conversations about emotional topics or experiences related to their disability. This allows both sides of the conversation to gain insight into each other’s perspectives and experiences, as well as develop an understanding of what life is like for people living with disabilities. This helps break down any stigmas or preconceived notions that may have been present before due to a lack of knowledge or understanding.
Having these kinds of conversations can also be beneficial in the sense that it allows special education students to open up about their challenges and feel supported by those around them. It is important that these conversations are respectful and mindful of boundaries so that all parties involved are comfortable when discussing such sensitive topics. This type of dialogue should take place in an environment where both individuals feel safe enough to talk openly without fear of judgment or criticism from others.
Use Children’s Books
Using books can help teach general ed students about disabilities. Reading stories together can show them how to be kind and understanding to all classmates, no matter what they look like or what they can do.
By equipping students with the knowledge and understanding of what it means to be inclusive, you can empower them to create a safe, supportive environment for everyone in your classroom – regardless of ability or background. This way, everyone will benefit from being part of an accepting learning space that values diversity.