How BUFFALO FLATS Flattened Me: Turning Your Family History into Historical Fiction, a guest post by Martine Leavitt


I blame it all on the “big red book.” 

The big red book, affectionately so-called by the descendants of Thomas Rowell Leavitt, is a collection of the personal histories of my pioneer ancestors stretching back to the 1840s.

I first read it with delight and astonishment. Why, here were treasures untold for the writer ever looking for a good story! It was all there for me: characters whom I knew practically at the genetic level! a setting I was familiar with since childhood! plot possibilities galore – births, deaths, love, longing, and a lot of hard, joyous life. It solved all the problems! Any writer possessed of such riches would be in heaven! Any writer worth her salt would find it so easy to get a book out of these riches… 

Unless, of course, the writer was me. 

Turns out the journey to my particular writerly heaven was going to involve a bit of a detour through hell. So if you have a story from your family history that you think would make a good book, here are a couple things I learned on my journey. Save you the trouble.