How Long Is Real Estate School?


Enrolling in real estate school to get your license is easier, faster, and more cost-effective than earning a traditional degree from a college or university. How long is real estate school and how long does it take to get a license?

On average, it takes anywhere from 2-5 months to complete real estate school and earn a real estate license. However, this can vary depending on your state’s licensing requirements and application process and whether you choose an online real estate school or traditional classroom courses.

Learn more about the factors that determine the time required to become a real estate agent and view our licensing timeline below.

Factors that Determine How Long Real Estate School Will Take

There are a few factors that determine the length of time you will be taking classes and enrolled in real estate school. These include:

  • How Many Credit Hours or Courses Your State Requires

    Each state has different requirements for how many course hours needed to obtain your license. For instance, the state of Florida requires only 63 credit hours, while Texas requires 180 hours. Whatever your state requires will determine how long you will need to be in school. Always make sure to check with your state’s real estate commission to determine how many hours you will need to get licensed.

  • Whether You Take Classes from an Online Real Estate School or in a Classroom

    Students can complete their classes from an online real estate school or in a traditional classroom setting. If you choose to take live, in-person classes, the process may take longer than taking your courses online. For more information on which is better, check out our guide on online vs. classroom real estate education.

  • How Much Time You Are Able to Spend Studying

    If you choose to take online real estate pre-license classes, you will be able to access your coursework at any time of day or night on any device. Some students are able to spend all day studying and progressing through their courses while other students are only able to access their coursework a few times per week.

    If you are motivated and have abundant free time, you may be able to finish your courses in as little as 2-3 weeks, however, if you are someone who works full-time and have other obligations, you will find that it could take longer to complete your education.

  • Your State’s License Exam Process

    The exam and application process can vary from state-to-state. Some states have an automated application and exam process while other states have a mail-in system that can take weeks to complete. Be sure to understand what your state requires for submitting your application and taking your real estate exam.

Real Estate School Timeline

While the time to receive a license varies from state-to-state, the steps to become a real estate agent are as follow:

  1. Real Estate License Education
  2. Real Estate Exam
Real Estate License Timeline Infographic

1. Real Estate License Education

Average Time: 2-4 Months

In a traditional classroom environment, students will complete their state credit-hour requirements in 4-6 months on average. In an online school, students will complete the same courses significantly quicker – around 2-3 months on average.

2. Real Estate Exam & Application Process

Average Time: 2-6 Weeks

Depending on the state you live in, the exam and licensing application process can vary anywhere between a few days to multiple weeks. If you live in a state that has implemented an automated system for taking the real estate test and submitting your application, the process will go rather quickly.

However, if you live in a state that has not yet adopted an automated system, you could have to mail in your application. It may take weeks for your state to release your exam results and mail your license to the broker of record.

Written and Published by: VanEd


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