Lead Like Ted Lasso


I’m on the Ted Lasso bandwagon!! 

Have you heard of or been watching the series on AppleTV+ called
Ted Lasso? It’s in it’s second season, and my husband and I recently started
watching it. I think we binge-watched season 1 in a weekend, and now we’re
caught up in season 2 and have to wait for the weekly episodes. (What is it about binge-watching TV shows that we love so much?!)

In case you haven’t watched it, it’s a show about an American football
coach (Ted Lasso) who goes to England to manage a professional football
(a.k.a., soccer) team, AFC Richmond. Ted Lasso has a TON of fans, and I
believe it’s because we’re looking for a little kindness and humor during
the times we’re living in right now. 

Coach Lasso is unassuming, hopeful, and
kind. I think if we could all be a little more like Ted Lasso, the world
would be a better place!

There are so many take-aways from the show, and here are 5 leadership lessons we can learn from Coach Lasso:

1. Show love to those who deserve it the least. Ted Lasso was
hired by Rebecca Welton, the owner of the soccer team. Welton acquired the
team in the divorce from her husband, and she hired the inexperienced Lasso,
hoping that he would fail in order to get back at her ex-husband who loved
the team and had cheated on her. She wasn’t kind to Lasso, and she did things to
set him up for failure. (I won’t share the details in case you haven’t seen
it yet!) He was non-stop optimistic, bringing her cookies each morning
along with a dose of positivity. 

Most educators have heard the following quote by Russell Barkley, “The
children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most unloving
ways.” This can apply to adults in the building, too! 

2. “I appreciate you.” Practicing gratitude can help us make the shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Take it one step further, and be like Ted Lasso. He tells almost everyone that he appreciates them. This is a way to connect with others in a positive way and to let others know that they are valued. 

3. Take care of the little things. Ted Lasso asked his team what they didn’t like about the locker room. Someone told him that the water pressure was no good. No one expected that anything would be done about it, but Ted took care of it and got it fixed. Talk to your team. Get their feedback. Ask them what they need. Then deliver.

4. People over programs. Ted was an American football coach. He didn’t know much about European football (soccer.) What he DID know about was kindness, putting others first, believing in himself and others. He knew about people. He got to know his players and the others that he worked with on a personal level, and these strong relationships is what made Ted successful. 

“I believe in hope. I believe in BELIEVE.” 

– Ted Lasso

5. Believe. Ted Lasso is relentlessly hopeful. We all need someone to believe in us. Imposter syndrome is real, and as leaders, we need to show up and let others know that we believe in them. And hope. 

To my fellow Ted Lasso fans, what would you add? (There’s definitely more than 5 leadership lessons!) Or share your favorite Ted Lasso quote in the comments below! 


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