Life Skills

The Changing Self

Although most people who attend therapy voluntarily bring with them a desire to change, they often say things like, “Well, ...

Assimilation versus Accommodation

Knowing the difference between the processes of assimilation and accommodation will help you make conscious, healthy choices rather than act ...

Stuff Happens

Months ago, as I was ironing, my beloved iron sputtered and died. After trying various ways to revive it, I ...

Are You a Super-helper (Not Always a Good Thing)?

Many people who grew up to become co-dependent go overboard helping others to their own detriment. They’re all give and ...

The New Science Behind Changing Habits

Some people assume they can’t change habits because they’re lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined or lack will power. This assumption is dead ...

Crash Course on Boundary Setting

One of the most talked about topics in therapy is boundary setting. If you grew up in a family with ...

What Contributes To Change In Executive Function Coaching? | Life Skills Advocate

Have you been considering Executive Functioning Coaching? Decided you, your child, or a student could use a boost in EF ...

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Executive Function | Life Skills Advocate

It’s Monday morning and as you open your eyes and stretch your arms, you take a deep breath in and ...

5 Hidden Benefits Of Executive Function Coaching | Life Skills Advocate

Executive functioning coaching can be a really positive experience as well as a good investment in your future. We’ve documented ...

10-Minute Tips To Tackle Organization | Life Skills Advocate

Staying organized is a challenge for everyone, especially if you identify as neurodivergent. It can be difficult to stay motivated ...

Sleep And Executive Functioning: 14 Ways To Get The Rest Your Brain Needs | Life Skills Advocate

Have you ever pulled an all-nighter and found yourself struggling to concentrate on tasks the next day? Or have you ...

The Ultimate Guide To Executive Function Coaching | Life Skills Advocate

Did you know that the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for executive functioning, is also known as ...

Do I Belong Here? Understanding The Connection Between ADHD & Imposter Syndrome | Life Skills Advocate

Imposter syndrome is an insidious problem that affects many neurodivergent people. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, shame, and ...

10-Minute Strategies To Practice Flexible Thinking | Life Skills Advocate

Sometimes, you may find yourself getting stuck in a particular way of thinking. Unable to see other possibilities or perspectives ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Many questions and topics come up repeatedly in therapy that you may want answers to, so here they are. Where ...

Social Isolation And ADHD: 15 Strategies For Building Stronger Connections | Life Skills Advocate

It’s no secret that social isolation can have a severe impact on mental health, especially for those diagnosed with ADHD ...

Impulsive Spending And ADHD – 17 Ways To Keep It In Check | Life Skills Advocate

At its core, impulsive spending is when a person spends money without planning ahead or considering the cost of the ...

Being Okay No Matter What

Most of us spend our lives stressing to make everything work out okay. We want our children to be happy ...

Words to Measure Progress

The words you use to describe your progress are key, so you’ll want to know which ones will move you ...

So What If It’s the Truth

I sometimes know what clients will say before the words are out of their mouths. This happened with my client ...

Mistakes Help You Win, Not Lose

I recently read a great quote which had no attribution, “I’d rather make mistakes than do nothing, I’d rather mess ...

Who Takes Care of You?

The other day I read a phrase that virtually begged to be blogged about: “Okay, I’m over self-care. Everyone else ...

New You, New Thoughts

Rather than start a diet at the beginning of this year, think about January as a good time to evaluate ...

The Best Way to Set Boundaries

Many dysregulated eaters have difficulty setting boundaries. All/nothing thinking leads them to accept everyone into their lives and allow people ...

Taking Care Of versus Caring About

A conflict that comes up a good deal in therapy is whether we can care about someone but no longer ...