Meet Lee & Low Books at TLA 2023!


We can’t wait to see y’all at the Texas Library Association Annual Conference in Austin! We hope you’ll stop by the Publishers Spotlight Booth #2034 to check out our books and author signings. Here’s the full scoop on what’s happening with Lee & Low creators at the show.

1:30–2:30 PM
Guadalupe García McCall speaking on the Spirit of Texas (SPOT) Reading Program Showcase panel in ROOM 11AB
The SPOT Reading Program is intended as a guide for recreational reading targeted to readers in grades 6-12. Committee members will showcase this year’s books, programming, resources, & more!

4:00–4:50 PM
Guadalupe García McCall signing Echoes of Grace, The Summer of the Mariposas, and El verano de las mariposas in Publisher Spotlight Booth #2034

10:00–11:00 AM
Monica Brown signing El cuarto turquesa / The Turquoise Room in Publisher Spotlight Booth #2034

11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Elizabeth Santiago signing The Moonlit Vine and Claro de luna in Publisher Spotlight Booth #2034

3:00–4:00 PM
David Bowles signing The Witch Owl Parliament (Clockwork Curandera #1) and El parlamento de lechuzas (Curandera mecánica #1) in Authors Area Aisle 11

4:30–5:30 PM
Monica Brown speaking on Celebrating Culture and Family Traditions in ROOM 16A

Sharing stories that embrace a variety of perspectives on culture, traditions, and family helps librarians honor the children they serve. Check out these hot-off-the-press books showcasing different familial and cultural traditions and hear the talented creators offer insight into their work.

1:45–3:45 PM
Guadalupe García McCall at the Texas Tea Meet & Greet in AUSTIN GRAND BALLROOM SALON G in the HILTON AUSTIN
Attendees can meet YA authors, hear all about their latest releases, and meet with other YA librarians.

2:45–3:45 PM
Elizabeth Santiago speaking on All in the Family: Family Dynamics in YA Lit in ROOM 13AB

Family dynamics can be complicated. This panel wrote books with a strong sense of family . . . the good and the bad. The authors will discuss how their personal family life has influenced their writing.

See you there!


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