Memes > Quiz


Last week Elissa Miller (@misscalcul8) posted this meme about the composition of functions.  I just loved the visual imagery!

I am teaching PreCalculus for the first time this year and have enjoyed the rigor immensely.  It has, however, been a lot of traditional lecture and assessment.  I was getting ready to start composition of functions and thought why not have kids create their own memes to show their understanding?  I got with a colleague and we developed this rubric.

When I showed students the example and told them they would be creating their own they were pretty excited.  I started grading them today and am blown away by their creativity!  Some are food related (a donut dipped in chocolate, another donut with chocolate filling) while others are completely different.  One of my favorites is a Christmas Tree with glass ornaments inside paired with a glass ornament with a tiny tree inside of it 🙂

It seems the students enjoyed the assignment as much as I did.  I love that they had an opportunity so show their understanding of a concept in such a creative way!  I will definitely be looking for other topics in PreCalculus that lend themselves to alternative methods of assessment.  This was a definite win because memes > quiz any day 🙂




About merryfwilliams

High school math teacher and mom of 3 amazing kids. I have a high maintenance husky and am adding a knitting obsession to the juggling routine. @merryfwilliams on Twitter

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