Mental Health Awareness – Reed Business School


This month its Mental Health Awareness Week from the 15th – 21st May 2023, so we thought we’d concentrate on this subject as our ‘Hot Topic’ for May.

It’s important to remember that anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience from time to time. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming and interferes with our daily lives, it can become a mental health issue that requires attention and support.

Various factors can contribute to anxiety, including academic or work-related stress, relationship issues, and major life changes. Financial insecurity and struggling to meet basic needs such as food and shelter can also trigger feelings of anxiety.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health challenges that people face. In a recent survey on stress, anxiety, and hopelessness over personal finances, a significant percentage of adults reported feeling so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they wanted to do. This underscores the importance of addressing anxiety as a serious issue that can significantly impact people’s lives.

During Mental Health Awareness Week, it is crucial to raise awareness and understanding of anxiety and provide information on the things that can help manage it. It is also important to continue advocating for change, making sure that improving mental health is a priority for both the government and society at large. By working together, we can ensure that everyone has access to the support they need to manage anxiety and other mental health concerns.

Look at the links below to find out more:

Mental Health Awareness Resources

A Student Guide to Loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week – Rethink Mental Health

Also remember we have our own (MHFA) Mental Health First Aider here, Sam Dean, can be contacted on


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