Multi Step Equations INB


While looking for a document, I found that I have created MULTIPLE foldables over the same concept. My first foldable that I created over solving equations is pictured below…

I decided to create the following foldable last spring to use this school year. However, I did not use these foldables this year. The resource Algebra 1 teacher did use them this school year though! So, at least it was used somewhere. 🙂 

Sooooo…. below are the pages that were actually used this school year. The only downfall was how long it took students to cut the pages out. Next year, I will trim the paper down with a paper-cutter to save time. I really liked how fast the foldable was since it was a review topic from middle school. 

After the foldable, we completed my Solving Equations Stations Maze. It was a success!

I have realized that I will never be satisfied with using the same foldable from the year before. I always try to improve each school year and build upon students strengths and weaknesses. Yes, it’s a lot of work…. but, it’s totally worth it!

I am also wearing this shirt any time we review solving equations… From my experience, students are visual learners and they remember any of my shirts! lol  Click here if you want one too!



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