Project Based Learning

Happy Fourth – Kindness Counts!

As the United States celebrates its 248th birthday, I think it might be a great time to look at where ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Mardi Gras

Back in February, I spent some time in Louisiana and Mississippi. I knew Louisiana, with its French history, celebrated Mardi ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Dams

This is a dam in Iowa. When my husband showed me this picture I didn’t even realize at first that ...

Teaching Authentically at the Holidays

This is the time of year when I always come back to my favorite family holiday story. I have told ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Wind Power

I have written about wind turbines several times, but the more we travel, the more I see them, and the ...

Authentic Project Ideas – The Northern Lights

I am just fascinated by the Northern Lights.  I would love to see them some day.  We came close recently ...

Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box Project

Eyen and I are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest book, Tex the Explorer and The Jared Box ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Mountains

We live in the Appalachian Mountains which I think are so impressive and beautiful.  That was until we went to ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Rock Formations

This is a rock formation in Colorado Springs.  When I first saw it I thought it was an old castle.  ...

Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans

So proud of Tex the Explorer: Journey to the Oceans.This book just won its seventh award! The book was inspired ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Solving One Problem, Creating Another

On a recent drive with my husband, we saw wind turbines on a mountain ridge. He mentioned that he had ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Zoos

We just visited the most fantastic zoo I have ever seen, the Cheyenne Zoo in Colorado Springs. I am not ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Volcanoes

This is a real photo! I took this photo! We just returned from Hawaii where we stayed at Volcano House, ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Hawaii

Kauai I recently returned from an anniversary trip to Hawaii. What an amazing state, and an amazing group of islands ...

Tricks of the Trade

Teaching is an art. And artists have many tricks of the trade, as do teachers. I recently remembered an event ...

I quite liked 2022…

Perhaps I have blocked out all the shitty parts (like everything related to COVID), but in all honesty 2022 was ...

Teaching Authentically

“We miss you.”  No, you miss my money. “You are like family.”  No, family doesn’t charge me for things they ...

Giving Back!

I have written about this story before, but it is so important to me that I feel I should repeat ...

Authentic Project Ideas – Robots

We recently took our grandchildren out to breakfast. We were waiting for our food when a robot appeared to deliver ...

Tex the Explorer – Journey to the Oceans is a Silver Recipient

Journey Archives Journey Archives Select Month April 2023 March 2023 February 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 ...

What’s a title anyway?

Last time that I wrote a post here, I was drunk on a flight to Cairns. Well guess what mutherfuckers?! ...

Who am I?

It’s been so very, very long since I’ve written a post on this blog. I suppose my only (accidental) readers ...

Have I ever helped you? I’d love your help now!

Hey guys! This is going to be a super short post. I know I haven’t written here in AGES – ...


This list was created in April, 2020, when we first started Learning From Home. This year I am working from ...

Love’s Labour’s Lost – and so was I!

Three comedies in a row gives me the opportunity to see both Shakespeare’s development as a playwright, and his diversity ...