Review: Indigo In The Storm


Indigo feels invisible and worthless. Broken due to
her mother abandoning her because she is that sort of kid, she now lives
with Noni and Aster, who watch out for her. She longs to be seen, and perhaps
if she is, her mother will return to her.  

Angry and destructive, Indigo builds walls so no
one can get close. Left
with a brain in chaos, she believes that nobody other
than Noni and Aster would take an interest in her. They know what being
different is like.

So does Xavier, Aster’s best friend who lives with
the black dog.

But, Indigo secretly loves bugs, various scents,
and her artistic gift.

Things change when Liam comes to her school. He
too, is different.
is judged by his appearance at the posh school they are forced to attend due to

But appearances can be misleading, and that doesn’t
mean Indigo will be his friend. 

The story evolves. Changes occur in the lives of
these three characters who are out of place in the world they live in.

Everybody is more than
one thing.
sense of belonging and
discovery of their creative inner world brings transformation to the lives of these young people who are
different; that can’t become something else but can learn to live with being
the way they are – different and beautiful.

Descriptions are built with words that are visually
powerful, filled with subtle but meaningful environmental messages that creep into
the story, creating awareness of the need to protect the planet.

Indigo in the Storm is about finding a place to belong, leaving behind
what can’t be changed, embracing new beginnings, and how families can be built.

Brilliant in every way, Kate Gordon’s companion book to Aster’s
Good, Right Thing
will not disappoint.

Title: Indigo In The Storm
Author: Kate Gordon
Publisher: Riveted Press, $16.95
Publication Date: 1 March 2023
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780645218039
For ages: 11 – 14
Type: Middle Grade Fiction


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