Shelf Help S3 Ep 17 – 100 Episodes and a Q&A!


This week on our Montessori parenting podcast: 

It is our 100th episode of our Montessori parenting podcast! We want to thank all of you that have been with us over these last three years and celebrate with a listener Q&A! In this episode Nicole and Amy answer a variety of your Montessori parenting questions. We chat about everything from toddler mealtimes to swearing and our thoughts on the Montessori IG community. 

Show Notes…


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In this Montessori parenting podcast we answer a variety of Montessori parenting questions to celebrate 100 episodes of Shelf Help!

*Shelf Help now includes  automated ad breaks. We do have control over the content of the ads and do not specifically endorse their messages/products. Thank you for your support of our show.


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