SNJ WEBINAR: SEND Minister Claire Coutinho discusses the SEND Improvement Plan. Register now! – Special Needs Jungle


We have another fabulous webinar lined up for you — with Education Minister, Claire Coutinho, who has responsibility for SEND.

Claire Coutinho, MP for East Surrey, joined the Department for Education towards the end of 2022, after the government’s chaotic period of musical ministers. We met her earlier this year when we extended an invitation to participate in a webinar once the plan was published and Ms Coutinho was happy to accept.]

When is it?

The webinar is on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at 10am.

We realise this timing isn’t great for parents who go out to work in the day, but Minister Coutinho’s diary availability dictates the timing. Don’t worry if you cannot make the time or date; the recording will be published on SNJ after the event. Note, there’s no need to register for the webinar just to watch the recording, so only do so if you can attend live. Register below and use the form at the end of this post for your questions

Register here:

The webinar is free to attend. As you may know, the SNJ team are all volunteers, so if you are able and would like to help us with associated costs, a donation here would be very welcome.

Ask your question

Whether you can make it live or not, if you wish to submit a question, use the form at the end of this post. While you will be able to ask questions live, time will be limited and it will be very busy. For a better chance of having your question asked, or if you can’t attend live, please submit your question below. This allows us to collate and amalgamate similar questions. We will send the general themes of these ahead to the Minister to allow prep for fuller answers.

Please keep your questions concise, and to one sentence if possible. Ensure it is a question the Minister can actually answer. This means NO personal queries please.

**Top tip** Read our overview and other SEND Improvement Plan posts first if you’re not yet up to speed on what’s in it.

Please note: Questions asked any other way – on social media or via email for example— Will NOT be included as it makes them too time-consuming to collate and we are likely to miss them.

Obviously, we cannot guarantee your question will be asked. We will group together similar questions, so if your question is asked but the wording isn’t the same as you wrote, this is why.

If you have an idea for further webinars, let us know!

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Founder of Special Needs Jungle. (She/Her) Parent of two young adults with autism. New grandma. Tania, who is autistic, is a leading SEND advisor, working with the Special Education Consortium, Ofsted, and Whole School SEND. She is also an Advisory Board member of the Royal Holloway, University of London Centre of Gene and Cell Therapy and an Editorial Board member of Springer Nature Gene Therapy journal.
Tania is an experienced broadcast and print journalist & author. She also runs a PR, web & social media consultancy, SocialOro Media.
Tania is a rare disease & chronic pain patient advocate with Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

Tania Tirraoro
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