Special Needs Homeschooling

How Dyslexia Affects Math Skills

Imagine my joy at discovering that my kids were a part of the 20-60% of kids with dyslexia who also ...

How Accepting Your Child’s Learning Differences Changes Everything

As my kids get older and I have finally passed through the 3-ring circus stage of homeschooling a houseful of ...

Motivating Struggling Learners

I hear from parents every week whose are having trouble motivating their struggling learners. While they’re not outright refusing to ...

Self-Directed Learning with Blake Boles

Self-directed learning is an approach to education that allows students to choose what and how they learn. Similar to unschooling ...

10 Simple Steps for Documenting Homeschool Progress – SPED Homeschool

by Theresa Lynch, owner of Learning in the Living Room   Documenting your child’s progress throughout your home education journey ...

Widening Communication Diversity for Non-Speaking Students

by Ashley Gillespie, Founder and President of Children’s Oasis Foundation   When a child is labeled as non-verbal it can ...

Preparing Students for Non-Academic Post High School Opportunities

 by Dawn Spence, SPED Homeschool Teaching Manager    Homeschooling through to graduation is an extremely helpful way to help a ...

7 Strategies for a Successful End of Year IEP Meeting

By TMoM Team Member Britney Dent As the school year draws to an end, most teachers are scheduling end of ...

College and Career Planning in Spite of Learning Challenges

 by Shari Nelson   We all have learning challenges to some degree. Each challenge has a purpose and a plan ...

Special Needs Directory for the Piedmont Triad

By TMoM Team Member Suzy Fielders When your child has a special need, regardless of severity, you may feel isolated and ...

TEST | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Test The post TEST appeared first on Homeschooling with Dyslexia ...

5 Ways to Help Twice-Exceptional Children Make Friends, SPED Homeschool

By Sarah Walkey Mcubin   If you have a twice-exceptional (2e) child who wants to make friends, you may have ...

Solutions for Independence – TMoM’s Doing Good Things Series

Guest Blogger Cameron Egan, Solutions for Independence’s Outreach Coordinator Did you know that one out of every four adults in ...

8 Tips for Homeschooling a Twice Exceptional Student

by Betsy Sproger from BJ’s Homeschool   Finding out our daughter was gifted and twice exceptional, well, that was more ...

Assistive Technology – Helpful Educational Tool for Many Students

By Jennifer Aceves, Director of Academics, Noble Academy Have you ever enlarged the font size on your device so that ...

What Learning to Read and Spell Looks Like for Kids with Dyslexia | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

I talk to SO many parents who are concerned, confused, worried, and overwhelmed about the lack of progress their kids ...

A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

I’ve been sharing here and there how we are homeschooling our non-traditional 9th grader this year. I’ve had quite a ...

Where to Turn When Curriculum Isn’t Helping

By Jan Bedell, PhD, Master Neurodevelopmentalist   A common question from homeschool families is, “What curriculum do you have for ...

How to Unschool With Sue Patterson | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

If you have ever been interested in how to unschool full-time or even temporarily (sometimes referred to as deschooling) you ...

Unschooling the Struggling Learner | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Kids struggle with learning for all sorts of reasons. Their struggles can stem from poor (even traumatic) school experiences, illnesses ...

The Therapeutic Facets of Parkour

  You’ve probably seen the scene from “The Office” where Michael, Dwight, and Andy run around the office jumping on ...

Sound Therapy Helped Our Homeschooling

By Faith Berens, M.ED., Reading Specialist, SPED Homeschool Board Members and Homeschool mom of two   Do you have children ...

Heavy Work Activities That Improve Learning | Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Years ago my son’s occupational therapist recommended he do some heavy work activities every day to calm his mind and ...

The Healing Power of Music Lessons

by Karyn Scott from Care2Rock   The healing power of music is truly transformational. When I started providing music lessons ...

Body, Mind, and Soul Care for Homeschool Parents

by Mandi Frost from My Life Coach 360   How much energy, zest or joy do you have on a ...