Syllabus of O6 – Commercial Laws


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syllabus of O6 Commercial Laws

Syllabus GRID:

Here is the grid for Syllabus of O6 Commercial Laws .

Introduction to Legal System of Pakistan10%
The Contract Act, 1872 Sales of Good Act, 1930 Partnership Act, 1932
Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
PPRA Ordinance, 2002 (Public Procurement Regulatory Authority)
PPRA Rules, 2004

Title: In-Depth Exploration of Commercial Laws Syllabus: Navigating Legal Aspects of Business


The study of Commercial Laws holds paramount importance in the world of business, as it provides individuals with a solid grounding in the legal principles that underpin various business transactions and operations. In this article, we take a comprehensive look at the syllabus of Commercial Laws, dissecting its content, objectives, and significance for students, entrepreneurs, and business professionals. By delving into the syllabus, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal intricacies that govern the business landscape.

Unveiling the Syllabus

The Commercial Laws syllabus is thoughtfully designed to cover a wide range of legal aspects that are pertinent to conducting business in a compliant and ethical manner. It is divided into three distinct parts – Part A, Part B, and Part C – each focusing on crucial legal concepts.

PART – A: Introduction to the Legal System of Pakistan

In this section, students will be introduced to the fundamental aspects of the legal system in Pakistan. The topics covered include:

  1. Need of Study of Law: Students will explore the rationale behind studying law and its indispensable role in guiding business practices.
  2. Sources of Law: Understanding the diverse sources from which legal principles emanate will be crucial for grasping the legal framework that governs businesses.
  3. System of Court: Students will gain insights into the hierarchy and functioning of the court system, a pivotal element of the legal infrastructure.
  4. Doctrine of Precedent: The concept of legal precedent, its influence on future judgments, and its role in shaping legal decisions will be discussed.
  5. Pakistan’s Law-Making Authority: Understanding the entities responsible for crafting and enacting laws will provide students with a comprehensive view of the legislative process.

PART – B: Deep Dive into Key Commercial Legislation

This section of the syllabus focuses on key commercial legislation that has a significant impact on business operations. It includes:

  1. The Contract Act, 1872: Students will explore the intricacies of contracts, including their classification, formation, elements, capacity of parties, and remedies in case of breach.
  2. Sales of Goods Act, 1930: This topic covers the legal aspects surrounding contracts for the sale of goods, conditions and warranties, and the rights of unpaid sellers.
  3. Partnership Act, 1932: A comprehensive study of partnership law will cover definitions, essential features, rights and liabilities of partners, and modes of dissolution.
  4. Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881: Students will delve into negotiable instruments, their parties, presentment, dishonour, and the relationship between bankers and customers.

PART – C: Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA)

This section takes a deep dive into the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Ordinance, 2002, and its rules. Public procurement plays a vital role in government spending and efficient resource allocation. The topics covered include:

  1. Chapter I – Preliminary: An introduction to the PPRA Ordinance, its scope, and objectives.
  2. Chapter II – Establishment of Authority: Understanding the establishment, composition, and functions of the PPRA Authority.
  3. Chapter III – Management and Administration of the Authority: Insight into the management structure and administrative processes of the PPRA.
  4. Chapter IV – Financial Provisions: Exploring the financial aspects related to the functioning of the PPRA.
  5. Chapter V – Regulatory and Other Provisions: A closer look at the regulatory framework governing public procurement and other related provisions.
  6. Chapter VI – Miscellaneous: Addressing miscellaneous matters that impact the functioning and effectiveness of the PPRA.

PART – C: PPRA Rules, 2004 (Expanded)

This part provides a comprehensive overview of the PPRA Rules, 2004, which provide guidelines for public procurement processes. Topics covered include:

  • Short Title and Commencement: Understanding the nomenclature and applicability of the rules.
  • General Provisions: Exploring overarching provisions that set the tone for the entire framework.
  • Procurement Planning: Unveiling the process of planning for effective procurement in the public sector.
  • Procurement Advertisements: A deep dive into the communication aspect of procurement.
  • Pre-Qualification, Qualification, and Disqualification of Suppliers and Contractors: Understanding the criteria for qualifying and disqualifying potential suppliers and contractors.
  • Methods of Procurement: Exploring different methods through which procurement can be conducted.
  • Opening, Evaluation, and Rejection of Bids: Unveiling the intricate process of bid evaluation and the grounds for bid rejection.
  • Acceptance of Bids and Award of Procurement Contracts: A detailed look at the procedures for accepting bids and awarding contracts.
  • Maintenance of Record and Freedom of Information: Understanding the significance of maintaining records and ensuring transparency through freedom of information.
  • Redressal of Grievances and Settlement of Disputes: Delving into mechanisms for addressing grievances and resolving disputes within the procurement process.

Objectives and Outcomes

The Commercial Laws syllabus is designed with multifaceted objectives to empower students and professionals alike:

  • Understanding the Legal System: Gain a holistic understanding of Pakistan’s legal system and its implications for businesses.
  • Navigating Business Contracts: Acquire comprehensive knowledge of contracts, sales, partnership, and negotiable instruments.
  • Mastering Public Procurement: Proficiency in PPRA Ordinance and Rules for effective public procurement processes.
  • Ethical Business Practices: Imbibe ethical practices in business operations through legal comprehension.


A firm grasp of Commercial Laws is essential for anyone navigating the business landscape. By delving into the syllabus, students and professionals gain a profound understanding of the legal framework that underpins business operations. This knowledge equips them to make informed decisions, adhere to legal compliance, and contribute meaningfully to the world of commerce. The syllabus acts as a guiding light, ensuring that businesses operate within the confines of the law, thereby fostering a culture of legality


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