The 10 Best Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Trainings in 2023


Are you in search of the perfect Vinyasa yoga teacher training program? With an overwhelming choice of courses available, we’ve done the hard work for you by curating a list of the ten best Vinyasa yoga teacher trainings worth considering in 2023.

If you are a seasoned Vinyasa yoga practitioner looking for an immersive experience to deepen your practice, read on to discover the top-rated programs that have caught our attention.

Get ready to elevate your yoga practice and teaching skills to new heights with these outstanding Vinyasa yoga teacher trainings

1. All Yoga, Bali

Discover the perfect balance of creative Vinyasa and structured ashtanga yoga in this transformative 200-hour Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in the serene paradise of Bali. It is a 23-day certification program in which you delve deep into both Vinyasa Yoga and the more traditional Ashtanga Yoga, providing a comprehensive and holistic experience.

Immerse yourself in the fluid, rhythmic Vinyasa flow, dedicating 200 hours to connecting your internal awareness with graceful external body movements incl. various arm balances. Alongside this, All Yoga honors the traditional Hatha Yoga healing practices, encompassing kriyas (cleansing techniques), asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath extension), dhyana (concentration), and dharana (meditation).

As you journey through this enriching experience, you’ll not only explore the dynamic Yang aspect of yoga, but also embrace the Yin sequence. This balanced approach is designed to help you uncover your true self, open your heart, and empower you to step into your role as a confident and compassionate yoga teacher.

A unique and transformative Vinyasa 200-hour yoga teacher training to embark on a life-changing journey that connects you with your inner teacher.

Locations:Bali and Thailand
Duration:23 days
Price: From 3,150 USD
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2. Vinyasa Yoga Academy, Rishikesh

Vinyasa Yoga Academy

Vinyasa Yoga Academy strives to distil the true essence of yoga and its discipline. This comprehensive yoga teacher training program will give you an immersive and life-changing experience over 18 days.

Supporting you every step of the way, Vinyasa Yoga Academy will ensure you have a wonderful experience of Rishikesh and its hospitality. A highly qualified team of yoga teachers and staff members are dedicated to providing a unique and personalised approach.

During the 200-hour 4-week course, classes will be held from Monday through Saturday. On Sundays, you are free to explore the Himalayan caves, and visit the ashrams and temples.

Assessments are based on written assignments, practical evaluations, conduct, and observation, to ensure that all aspects of your being reflect that of a true Yogi. Regardless of your current level of yoga practice or background, this course is open to aspiring yoga teachers worldwide.

Location: Rishikesh, India
Hours: 200 hrs, 18 days
Price: from 599 USD
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3. Shambala Yoga School, Tenerife

Shambala Yoga

This intensive 200-hour yoga teacher training program will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to teach yoga classes based on the Vinyasa style, providing a deep introduction to Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

The course goes beyond just the physical practice of asana, promoting yoga as a way of life. The curriculum includes in-depth teachings on yoga
based on the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, along with specific techniques to effectively cue a Vinyasa yoga class.

The 200-hour training covers many topics, including yogic lifestyle, ethics, history, anatomy, and physiology for yoga teachers. It will also cover the subtle body, meditation, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, mantra, and self-development.

In addition, you will practise Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga classes daily to deepen your personal practice. With a comprehensive curriculum and emphasis on Yoga philosophy, this course provides a well-rounded and holistic approach to Vinyasa yoga teaching, empowering you to share the knowledge of yoga with others.

Hours: 200 hrs, 21 days
Price: from 2,200 EUR
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4. Lakshmi Rising, Costa Rica

Lakshmi Rising

This 200-hour yoga teacher training is a comprehensive and transformative program that serves as an introduction to the Vinyasa Flow method. This course goes beyond the physical practice of yoga and encompasses the principles of education, empowerment, and evolution.

This YTT emphasises not only sweat, strength, flexibility, and fun but also softness, quiet, introspection, and self-love.

Lakshmi Rising offers two options: a 21-day immersion intensive or a 14-day immersion intensive followed by supplemental online coursework to be completed within one year. This allows students to customise their learning experience based on availability and preferences.

Whether you choose the shorter or longer duration, Lakshmi Rising’s YTT provides a brilliant introduction to the Vinyasa Flow method in an immersive environment, providing a solid foundation for your yoga journey focusing on self-care, personal growth, and holistic development.

Hours: 200 hrs, 14 or 21 days
Price: from 3,699 USD
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5. La Casa Shambala, Global

La Casa Shambala

La Casa Shambala offers a transformative journey of inner discovery rooted in traditional Hatha yoga philosophy. The curriculum focuses on Hatha yoga as a way of approaching life, with the asana practice being just one of the eight limbs of Hatha philosophy.

You will learn how to integrate Hatha’s empathetic and spiritual practice into your daily life, finding harmony between the spiritual world and the modern-day world we live in.

Vinyasa, a more modern form of yoga derived from Hatha Asana practice, is a key component of the training. You’ll learn how to create beautiful Vinyasa flows that embody your unique teaching style, using breath with movement to create a harmonious flow.

The 200-hour program also strongly emphasises traditional Ayurveda, including the Ayurvedic diet, understanding your Ayurvedic profile (the doshas), and using Ayurveda for preventative health and wellness.

Training on human anatomy is also provided to understand how yoga influences the body on a biological level and why yoga asana practice has physiological benefits. Yoga asana classes include traditional Hatha, yin/restorative yoga, and Vinyasa, ensuring that you are well-equipped to teach all three varieties of yoga classes upon completion of the training.

La Casa Shambala’s Vinyasa yoga teacher training offers an exceptional and comprehensive learning experience for those longing to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery.

Hours: 200 hrs
Price: from 1,413 GBP
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6. True North, Portugal

True North

True North Vinyasa yoga teacher training teaches you how to deepen your practice and apply the wisdom from your journey to guide others. You will gain confidence and encouragement in assisting physical poses and articulating your voice to communicate from the core of your being and heart.

The training also covers the art of intelligently designing, theming, and sequencing classes that are fun, graceful, inspirational, and inclusive for all levels. You will learn teaching methods to relate and apply ancient yogic philosophy to a contemporary dynamic yoga practice, making it relevant and accessible to modern practitioners.

Additionally, True North Vinyasa’s 200-hour teacher training course is dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge and skills to build your yoga business and brand as a yoga teacher, providing insights on marketing, branding, and business management.

Hours: 200 hrs
Price: from 4,400 EUR
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7. Inea Yoga, Corfu

Inea Yoga

This foundational Vinyasa and Yin yoga teacher training will allow you to embark on a transformative journey, learning everything you need to practise yoga safely with the right attitude and physical alignment.

In addition to learning how to teach yoga classes, you will discover ancient techniques to rest in awareness and cultivate a deeper capacity to focus through meditation.

This yoga teacher training is a comprehensive immersion into yoga, offering you a unique opportunity for self-discovery and growth. The experienced instructors will guide you in developing a stronger connection with yourself and empower you to navigate whatever challenges life may bring.

By the end of the training, you will leave with a heightened sense of self-awareness, inner strength, and readiness to face anything that comes your way. Inea Yoga offers an opportunity to invest in yourself with this life-enhancing experience.

Hours: 200 hrs
Price: from 2,990 EUR
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8. Bali Vinyasa Yoga, Bali

Bali Vinyasa

This 200-hour Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga training is based on the principles of Ashtanga yoga from the Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Ashtanga yoga builds flexibility and strength, and consistent practice can improve concentration and balance.

This YTT covers the primary series of Ashtanga yoga, which includes sun salutations, standing, seated, and finishing sequences.

Bali Vinyasa Yoga School’s 200-hour yoga teacher training course is suitable for beginners to intermediate-level practitioners of Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga. It offers an opportunity to learn and practise yogic philosophy, anatomy, and sequences to deepen one’s understanding of yoga and become a confident practitioner and teacher.

School: Bali Vinyasa Yoga
Hours: 200 / 300 hrs
Price: from 2,100 USD
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9. Shree Maha Yoga, Rishikesh

Shree Maha Yoga

This training offers a brilliant blend of theoretical and practical yoga knowledge, allowing you to launch your yoga teaching career successfully. The Shree Maha Yoga School was established to provide a peaceful yogic learning environment in Rishikesh’s tranquil and natural surroundings.

The teachers are skilled and experienced in assisting yoga students in understanding and mastering the Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga yoga series. Shree Maha Yoga’s teaching methodology combines the essence of authentic and ancient yoga techniques with a modern approach to imparting knowledge.

This training at Shree Maha Yoga builds on the foundation of yogic teachings to launch an exciting and expansive career as a yoga teacher.. 200-hour and 300-hour teacher trainings are available, providing the opportunity to acquire self-confidence in your yoga practice and gain practical leadership skills to enhance your teaching.

School: Shree Maha Yoga
Hours: 200 / 300 hrs
Price: from 899 USD
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10. Yama Yoga Studios, Thailand

Yama Yoga Studios

Studying with Yama Yoga Studios will equip you with a comprehensive yoga skill set, including confidently sequencing and teaching dynamic vinyasa-style asana classes for various levels and gentle restorative-style asana classes.

You will also develop an understanding of the Ashtanga yoga system and its influence on contemporary yoga practices. In addition, the 200-hour course provides the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills and teaching methodology for successful teaching.

This yoga teacher training also provides an understanding of yoga anatomy and insight into the broader context of yoga, including primary texts and modern interpretations.

You will develop a personal and experiential knowledge of yoga philosophy and acquire valuable business skills to prepare you for a successful yoga teaching career.

School: Yama Yoga Studios
Hours: 200 hrs, 28 days
Price: from 1,900 USD
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