The Last of the Jacarandas


Mexico City has a profusion of jacaranda trees that grace the city with their purple flowers each year.  It seems to me that the flowering season is changing.  I would usually see a few starting to blossom during my winter stay here, but they would generally be at their height during my April visit.  This year, by the time I left Mexico at the end of February, many trees were in full bloom.  Now, in April, the trees are past their prime.  Many trees have dropped most or all of their blossoms.  There are still trees that are flowering, but the display is clearly coming to an end.  Perhaps they blossomed early this year because the winter was not as cold.  The rainy season does not usually begin until May or June, but we have already had some heavy rains, which perhaps are knocking the flowers to the ground.

Fallen blossoms on the street



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