The Mermaid Who Learned to Dance – Nàng Tiên Cá Học Nhảy | Dedicated Review


Book Review of The Mermaid Who Learned to Dance – Nàng Tiên Cá Học Nhảy
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The Children’s Book Review

Written by Aleks Spurmanis and Tâm Nguyễn

Illustrated by Erin Cutler

Ages 7+ | 52 Pages

Publisher: Friesen Press | ISBN-13: 9781039141988

What to Expect: Mermaids, Disabilities, Dancing, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying, and Vietnamese Language

Based on a true story from the author’s experience, The Mermaid Who Learned to Dance is an inspiring, heart-warming fairy tale that teaches readers how to overcome challenges to be the best version of themselves.

Phoenix the Mermaid is happy in the ocean, where everyone loves her for her kindness, grace, and beauty. However, after saving a baby dolphin from a fishing net, Phoenix has a terrible accident—hauled onto land by mistake and frozen for a hundred years; Phoenix loses everyone and everything she loves.

Living on land is tricky for Phoenix: having a tail instead of legs makes it painful for her to walk, and the other children are cruel because she does not look like them. However, with the help of her adopted human father, Phoenix comes to see that she does not need them to be happy, kind, and beautiful—all she needs is determination and passion.

Phoenix is a believable character whose gentle determination to rise above the cruelty of her bullies is sure to be an inspiration. The story is also written in both Vietnamese and English, making it perfect for speakers of both languages and those learning to speak one or the other. Throughout the story, sparkling illustrations in vibrant colors add magic, inviting readers into Phoenix’s world.

The Mermaid Who Learned to Dance is a beautiful story— worthy of any fairytale collection.

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About the Author and Illustrator

This is the first publication written by Aleks Spurmanis and Tâm Nguyễn. They were inspired to co-write The Mermaid Who Learned to Dance after discovering the story of Băng Thị Bế, a woman who created a remarkable new life for herself after a tragic accident left her permanently disabled. We share this story to inspire kindness and help others overcome adversity. Any profits made from the sale of this book will be donated toward future philanthropic projects. 

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