The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry | Awareness Tour


The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry Awareness Tour, sponsored by Rebecca Laxton
The Children’s Book Review

Join us on the virtual book tour for Rebecca Laxton’s novel for tweens and teens, The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry!

“A smart, riveting, environmental tale with a laudable adolescent cast.”

— Kirkus Reviews

To learn more, follow along on the virtual book tour and enter the giveaway below for the chance to win a SWAG bag that includes a signed hardcover copy of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry! You’ll also receive a tote, puzzle, word search, small skateboard sticker, small butterfly sticker, and large vinyl butterfly sticker made with the illustrator’s graphics.

The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Virtual Book Tour Dates

Monday, April 17, 2023
The Children’s Book Review
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
The Momma Spot
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Life Is What It’s Called
Author interview with Rebecca Laxton
Thursday, April 20, 2023
My Reading Getaway
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Friday, April 21, 2023
Heart to Heart
Author interview with Rebecca Laxton
Monday, April 23, 2023
Barbara Ann Mojica
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Tuesday, April 24, 2023
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
An article by Rebecca Laxton
Wednesday, April 25, 2023
icefairy’s Treasure Chest
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Thursday, April 26, 2023
Cover Lover Book Review

Author interview with Rebecca Laxton
Friday, April 27, 2023
The Fairview Review
A book review of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry
Monday, April 30, 2023
The Children’s Book Review
Author interview with Rebecca Laxton
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Confessions of a Book Addict
A book giveaway of The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry

The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry Book Giveaway

The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry Book Giveaway

About the Book

The Metamorphis of Emma Murry: Book Cover

Written by Rebecca Laxton

Illustrated by Gracie Laxton

Ages 10+ | 252 Pages

Publisher: Warren Publishing, Inc | ISBN-13: 9781960146236

Publisher’s Book Summary: Thirteen-year-old Emma Murry has three goals for summer vacation: finish her art terms project, land an ollie, and help the environmental club save the monarchs.

But then her Instagram crush Jeb Scott and his celebrity dad Chester make a surprise visit to Black Mountain. At first, Emma is thrilled, but then she overhears their plans to destroy the monarch butterfly garden to build a ski resort. She and her best friend Sophie add a new summer goal: STOP. THE. SCOTTS.

Emma ignores Sophie’s warnings and makes friends with Jeb, convinced she can change his mind. Then when Chester receives a mysterious death threat, Emma teams up with Jeb to investigate. She slowly discovers people are not what they seem as she attempts to untangle friendships, organize a protest, and uncover supernatural secrets hiding on the mountain.

Emma will have to go through her own metamorphosis by overcoming her fears and facing what she dreads. If she fails, she could jeopardize everything—butterflies, friendships, and her family.

Buy the Book

About the Author

Rebecca Laxton has served school communities as an afterschool program director, reading specialist, and school psychologist. While working for Boone County Schools, she was named the Kentucky School Psychologist of the Year for collaborating with teachers and administrators to write and evaluate an emotional intelligence curriculum. 

Rebecca is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Charlotte Literary Arts, and the North Carolina Writers Association. Her short memoir, “Throw Like a Girl,” about playing on a mostly boys Little League team can be found in The Love of Baseball (McFarland 2017). Currently, she is a dyslexia practitioner and enjoys reading, writing and spending time in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, four kids, and three dogs. 

Rebecca invites you to visit her online at

Rebecca Laxton: Author Headshot

About the Illustrator

Gracie Laxton is a freelance graphic designer and dance choreographer from North Carolina but is currently based in New York City. A 2021 graduate of Central Academy of Technology and Arts in Monroe, NC, she studied art as part of The Savannah College of Art and Design’s high school joint enrollment program. Currently, she attends Marymount Manhattan College, pursuing degrees in dance and art.

Gracie Laxton: Illustrator Headshot

Thanks for following along with us on Rebecca Laxton’s The Metamorphosis of Emma Murry Awareness Tour!

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