Transitioning From Teacher to Author | Life After Teaching™


I made a lot of mistakes with my first book. I did things out of order, I waited to market until after publication (BIG MISTAKE!), and when the book didn’t sell well, my strategies were the equivalent of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick.

Vicky Weber, Teacher turned author

By August of 2021, I was able to resign from teaching to be an author full-time and in March 2022, my husband was able to leave his job at a high school as well. I was consistently making 3x more than I did as a teacher with significantly fewer hours. For the sake of transparency, just one of my book releases earned me over $15,000 in profit…that does NOT include my royalties from my other titles or money earned outside of the release. It changed my family’s life and that’s when I realized—if I can do this, others can too.


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