Welcome to the New and Improved ADDA+ – ADDA – Attention Deficit Disorder Association



You may have noticed we’ve changed a thing or two.

As always, we’ve been working hard to provide adults with ADHD with the knowledge and resources to improve their lives.

But on top of all that’s available for free on our website, we’ve revamped our membership program. It has a new name: ADDA+.

We’re thrilled to introduce you to the benefits waiting for you in our thriving community of ADDA+ members.

ADDA Members: If you’re already a member of ADDA, all of the benefits listed below are already available to you – check them out to see what’s new!

Why Did We Upgrade ADDA+?

Easy – our mission is to empower adults with ADHD to reach their full potential!

We do that by providing you with all the resources, peer support, and reliable information you need to thrive with ADHD.

ADDA+ has numerous benefits, and we’ll continue to add to and improve them.

Here’s a peek at what’s included with your ADDA+ membership.

On-Demand (and Live) Webinars

With your ADDA+ membership, you’ll have access to all our live webinars for adults with ADHD.

Twice a month, we have live webinars with top experts on ADHD. They present the latest news, strategies, and discoveries to keep you in the know.

On top of that, you can dig through the archive of 200+ on-demand webinars available to you right now!

Work Groups: Getting Things Done

Our work groups are one of the most popular features of ADDA+.

If you’re an adult with ADHD struggling to make deadlines, manage your finances, or stick with healthy habits – we have a work group to help.

Here are just a few examples of what is available:

  • Accountability For You Work Group: Studies show adults with ADHD do much better… at everything… when they add accountability to their toolkit. If you want to get things done but don’t have the structure you’d like, this is the group for you.
  • Healthy Habits and the ADHD Brain: For members who are creating and refining healthy eating, exercising, and sleeping habits to create an ADHD-friendly lifestyle.
  • Money Matters + ADHD Work Group: Managing finances is challenging. Executive functions like planning, impulse control, and emotional regulation underlie effective money management. The group is for members looking to get control of their finances.

Virtual Support Groups: Help When You Need It

Talking with people is good.

Talking with someone who “gets it” is great.

It makes a world of difference when you can share what’s happening in your life with someone who understands exactly what you mean.

When you join one of our virtual support groups – you’re in a 100% inclusive, trust-filled space where you can be yourself.

There is power in shared experience. That’s why we created our ADDA+ Support Groups – and we bet there’s one that would be an excellent fit for you.

Here are just a few:

  • Beginners (and the Newly Diagnosed)
  • Women 50+
  • Men Becoming Their Best
  • Parents with ADHD
  • Queer Women and Non-Binary Members
  • African American/Black Diaspora

Click here to see the list of all 25 Peer Support Groups to find one that suits you best!

Interactive and Online Courses: Learn from Experts in Their Field

Through ADDA+, you can study from a number of online courses – all taught by experts.

We offer a fantastic selection of courses specifically designed to help adults with ADHD.

  • ADDA’s Spark! Sessions: Sparkinsights about how you understand ADHD, how to improve your relationships, and how you work.
  • ADDA Works: This workplace training series is designed to help employees or employers. If you’re an employee with adult ADHD, you’ll learn ways to enhance your productivity. If you’re a manager, you’ll find ways to create a more ADHD-friendly workplace culture.
  • ADHD and Your Relationship: Prepared by experts, this course will help you work through the effects of ADHD on your relationship. It touches on five main topics – anger, emotional regulation, communication, chores and responsibilities, and optimism and hope.

The ADDA+ Library: Hit the Books

With your ADDA+ membership, you have instant access to our library. You’ll be able to search through an archive of years of articles, white papers, and webinar recordings.

You’ll never have to wonder if the information you’re reading is up-to-date or correct. We’ve spent years finding, vetting, and publishing the top resources from industry professionals.

All available to you in the ADDA+ Library.

ADDA+ Is the Premier Resource for Adults With ADHD

Our goal is to help adults with ADHD live better lives. We will continually strive to enhance ADDA+ with the tools, resources, and strategies you need to succeed.

If you’ve been struggling on your own, the ADDA+ community is here for you.

Find out how to use ADHD to your ADDvantage!

If you’d like to join ADDA+, click here.


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