Why Would I Intentionally Gain Weight? – Purva Brown


With all the constant talk of weight loss, especially among women, it is sometimes hard to fathom that someone would intentionally want to gain weight.

And yet, that is exactly my current goal.

If you missed it, I actually made it to my lifetime goal of 125 lbs. with around 25% bodyfat levels.
Thirty-something versus 44

Along the way, I have learned so much. One of the biggest things is that weight loss (or rather, fat loss) is so much easier when you have muscle. This makes sense. The more muscle you have in your body, the more you will burn at rest.

For me personally, this means the more muscle I have, the more I get to eat and still stay relatively lean.

You laugh, but as someone who is just over 5’2″ in height who likes food but also likes to look good, muscle makes all the difference!

So the plan is to add more on. (Obviously, as a woman, I’m never going to look like a man, nor do I intend to and that will be a different blog post.) For now, suffice to say that the plan is to gain about 5 pounds of muscle this year.

Of course, as I do that, I will gain some fat as well, but I can always get rid of that later on a cut.

I’m 6 weeks in and have gained about 2 pounds. I’ll keep you updated.


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