Women & Hi Tech – Mentoring Opportunity: Pass the Torch for Women Foundation


Mentorship is an important way to contribute to women’s growth and success, and to help increase the presence of female leaders in STEM fields. In partnering with Pass the Torch for Women Foundation (PTTFW), Women & Hi Tech is pleased to provide opportunities for mentorship (including mentoring certification programs), networking and leadership training to its members through three key programs:

Project Grow – female college students receive mentoring and leadership development opportunities to keep them on their path of completing their education goals, and to propel them in their careers post-graduation. Many of the students the Foundation serves are 21st Century Scholars.    

Developing Professionals –professional women in the entry-level to mid-level of their career are paired with an executive mentor while also serving as a mentor to a student, with additional opportunities for networking and sharing best practices with others in the community.   

500 Circle – senior female and male executives serve as mentors in both the Project Grow and Developing Professionals programs, support Pass the Torch for Women’s programming initiatives, connect with other executives to share best practices, participate in peer mentoring, and support Pass the Torch for Women Foundation through tax-deductible contributions.    

Mentors are paired with mentees three times per year, at one hour per month (either by phone or in person), with a minimum 4-month commitment. 

“Through this partnership, and with the participation of our members, we can support women throughout their career lifecycle; and attract, retain and grow women in STEM fields in Central Indiana.” — Darcy Lee, President, Women & Hi Tech

To sign up to become a mentor/mentee* or to learn more, please contact:

Erica Billingsley

Client Success Manager

Pass the Torch for Women Foundation

(877) 796-1592


* Members of Women & Hi Tech should be sure to mention they are members when reaching out to Pass the Torch for Women. 


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