Women & Hi Tech – Pass the Torch for Tech Breakfast


There was a wonderful turnout for Pass the Torch for Tech on April 24, 2018, as there were over 400 guests in attendance.  There was diversity of all types; gender, racial, life experience, educational level, and even political affiliation.  Everyone working toward changing the landscape for women represented in STEM to be equally inclusive to all. The event was even highlighted on Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick.  

There were members from Women & Hi Tech, Pass The Torch For Women, and Indy Women in Tech in attendance as well as friends from TechPoint, Eleven Fifty Academy, and many other organizations who were all there to celebrate mentorship. When asked to name his mentor, Mayor Joe Hogsett said Mayor Greg Ballard had been a mentor to him on Women in STEM issues.

During this amazing event, we raised over $4,100 for the Carla Perinne Perry Award. These funds will be allocated to provide scholarships to multiple IWiT Project Grow students. If you did not get a chance yesterday and still wish to donate, please visit the website here.

To learn more about the three organizations in the formal partnership, Pass The Torch For Women, Indy Women in Tech, and Women and Hi Tech, be sure to check out their websites!

Should you be interested in mentoring or learning more information about Pass The Torch For Women Foundation, please email info@passthetorchforwomen.org


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