Women & Hi Tech – Recap of the Women & Hi Tech’s Spring Networking Event at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway


On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, Women & Hi Tech greeted a sold-out crowd of sponsors, members, and friends at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS) for the 2019 Spring Networking Event. Darcy Lee, President of Women & Hi Tech, kicked off the event by welcoming the crowd to IMS. Darcy also reminded the attendees that Women & Hi Tech continues to celebrate its 20th year as a non-profit in Indiana working to change the landscape of women represented in STEM to be equally inclusive to all.

Darcy then introduced Sheetal Prasanna and Grace Ybarra, 2019 Indianapolis 500 Princesses. Sheetal, a 2018 Women & Hi Tech Leading Light Award (LLA) scholarship winner and Purdue engineering student, and Grace, a freshman at Indiana University, reminded the crowd that the Princess program is not a pageant, but rather celebrates Indiana’s civic-minded and academically driven young women. Grace spoke about the courage exhibited by her mom, Susan Vaughn, Women & Hi Tech Board Member Emeritus, and how that encouragement has impacted her in her studies. Sheetal also provided a touching and inspiring tale of how winning Women & Hi Tech’s LLA scholarship opened doors to opportunities, such as the Indianapolis 500 Princess program.

Maria Alvim-Gaston, Networking Director for Women & Hi Tech, introduced Rebecca Ruselink, CIO of IMS, who urged the crowd to always be fearless and assertive in their careers.

Angela B. Freeman, President-Elect of Women & Hi Tech, thanked Rhonda Winter, former Board Member, who established this very popular event years ago. Angela also introduced Jimmie McMillan, Senior Corporate Counsel at IMS. Jimmie energetically spoke on technological advances used at IMS during the Indianapolis 500. The 200 event attendees, clad in Women & Hi Tech blue t-shirts, then ventured out to explore the garage areas of Gasoline Alley in the beautiful May weather.

Pictures from the event can be found online at https://womenandhitech.org/page-18294. If you have pictures from the event that you would like to contribute to Women & Hi Tech’s photo directory, please contact Lori Boyer, Communications Director at communications@womenandhitech.org


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