PenPal Pulse: Oct 18-24


Last week, 6,966 students from 52 countries connected on PenPal Schools. Here are some of our favorite posts!

“In my opinion diversity is important. Diversity is the reason people are able to learn and grow from each other. It is very important for all people to experience and learn about the lives of others from different ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and origins. Not only is it important to learn about others, but using the information we learn and implementing it into our everyday lives by forming new and different perspectives and seeing where people are coming from with their beliefs. If we were all to be around the same people exactly like ourselves, we would learning nothing new. That is why diversity is so important and something all people should value and strive to learn more about.”

– Julia ( USA shared in Race in America)

“Two highlights from studying with PenPals were how I got to learn about what life is like for kids all over the world and how I got to tell them my ideas and how they got to tell me theirs. I especially liked when I could relate something from my life to something from somebody else’s, even if we don’t live in the same place. For example, I had many PenPals tell me that they were concerned with climate change and noticed a lack of snow where they lived just like I did. I would like to know what other thoughts and ideas they have and what other similarities or differences there might be between us.”

– Gianna, USA (Shared in Protecting the Planet)

“I have seen a documentary about the educational system of France. I was impressed by French college entrance exam called ‘Baccalaureat’. It’s not just a normal exam but highly complex interview exam that evaluates students’ thinking abilities, not memorization skills. I am really curious of such educational system because I like to give my opinion about what I have learned to my classmates. So if I could go to school in a different country for one year, I would go to France.”

-Yang, South Korea (Shared in Schools around the World)

“I learned a lot from my penpals about what they eat. I even tried one of penpal my penpal treats. Trying the recipes of your penpals gives you a chance to taste different foods. It was really fun learning about different spices some I never even heard of, but thanks to penpal schools I know what they are. This project was really fun. When I got my first assignment on penpal schools I was so excited. The best part is learning about different cultures and foods. When I have a new assignment on penpal schools I’m ready to jump on board. Every day is a new adventure! Making new friends in penpal schools gives you a chance to meet someone that’s really far away. My advice is to have fun when you are in penpal schools”

– Jala A, USA  (shared in A World of Food)

These are just a few of the thousands of posts that students shared last week. If you would like to connect your students with PenPals, start by choosing from over 50 academic topics.
And if your students are sharing great work on PenPal Schools, please submit a nomination for next week!


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