Session 5: Year 5 – Week 20 In Review — The Forest School


high school studio

What a whirlwind this week was!  Our heroes went on two field trips back to back. 

The first field trip was for the City of Fayetteville garden group, and the second trip was for everyone who is designing and building a garden.  The City of Fayetteville had the opportunity to go to City hall in Fayetteville and present their pitch to the Mayor of Fayetteville, Fayetteville’s city planner, and some Fayette county residents.  The heroes did an excellent job!

The presentations were phenomenal, and each group colored the Mayor impressed!  Now, for the next 2 1/2 weeks, those heroes who presented their pitch must take the feedback they received and revise their pitch for Exhibition.  Their goal is to present solutions so grand that the Mayor can not say no! Haha. 

As for the 2nd field trip of the day, it was perfect timing.  Our heroes are in the process of creating greenhouses in the studio, and thanks to PTC Garden’s greenhouse, the heroes were able to experience a real live professional one! 

On top of a busy quest week, we have had a busy Story Arts and Civ week as well.  We had an expert come in for Story Arts, our very own Ms. Q. from lower elementary!  She came in and walked our heroes through an episodic analysis where they went over the elements of an episode and character development, and wow, what a success! 

Lastly, our Civilization challenge for this week was explosive.  The topic is gun control in America. We held a debate, and it ignited passions all around and changed multiple perspectives!  After this climatic week, we all deserve a restful weekend.

On that note, have a great weekend, everyone!


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