Session 7: Year 5, Week 32 In Review — The Forest School


spark studio

“Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world.” – Maria Montessori

A learner-driven Studio is one where the Guides slowly step away from being the one who dispenses the content and subject knowledge. The learners are the focus of education while the guides facilitate learning. Guides gradually put learners in charge of learning by discovering their own knowledge. By facilitating ways of learner problem-solving and interaction, along with questioning and discussions to explain their thinking, learners must not just give answers but reflect on how they arrived at them.

We have a huge win in the Spark Studio. Several learners have recently earned their 100 Club Badge (knowing the first 100 sight words). Bravo learners, bravo! The beautiful part is, it all took place as the Guides stepped away and learners and mentors took over. It became a challenge for those practicing to achieve success by asking learners that already earned it for help.

Along with mentors joining in from lower/upper elementary, and middle school, these young learners were able to reach mastery and earn that badge. This is a true testimony to a learner-driven community. Trust the process, it works!

As the school year comes to an end it can stir up different emotions for us, excited, happy, sad, nervous, rushed, etc. We are taking this time to learn a new “box breathing” technique to combat unsettled feelings within us. Ask your learner all about it. It’s helping us to relax and it feels good to slow down, even if only for a moment. We begin to feel centered and it brings us into the present moment. How do you live in the moment? 

We plan to end the year in peace, harmony, and celebration. Here are 5 helpful tips to relieve any end-of-the-school-year stress you or your learner may be feeling.


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