Session 5: Year 5 – Week 21 In Review — The Forest School


spark studio

What in the world made dinosaurs go extinct?

It’s an uprising in the studio, and stories are coming to life as we dig deeper into the how and why. What if it was tiny volcanoes all over the world erupting from the earth’s core … the earth started quaking, causing a disturbance everywhere. The sky turned gray, the land began to divide, and trees were uprooted, leading to the entrapment of the dinosaurs as they became entangled in limbs, roots, and lava.

After it was all over the land separated, bigger volcanoes formed in various places worldwide, and the dinosaurs were gone. Where did they go? Who survived? Who was the first human to discover the existence of dinosaurs? This is just a short version of the many thoughts that arise during our launch discussions. We can’t wait to hear how this tale ends.

The weather has played a significant role in our studies this week. We started with clouds and ended up in the rain. We embraced a new song to help us remember the water cycle and then took the challenge to make it rain in the studio. There were snowstorms, thunderstorms, light rain, and even purple rain brewing. We ventured outside to take a look at the clouds to determine the weather for the day, and guess what? There was not a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful day. We celebrated The Lunar New Year with a fun dragon parade throughout each studio, wishing our friends wealth and good fortune. Cheers to a fresh start! 新年快樂

Upcoming Events:
Friday, February 3: Field trip to Fernbank
Tuesday, February 14: Valentine’s Day Tea Party (details will be forthcoming)
Wednesday, February 15: Exhibition“Always be yourself unless you can be a dinosaur, then be a dinosaur.

We can’t wait to let the world hear us ROAR!!!


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