Session 7: Year 5, Week 30 In Review — The Forest School


middle school studio

Learning about forensics and crime scene investigation can be an exciting and engaging experience for learners. This week in Quest, learners have taken a deep dive into the fundamentals of crime scene investigation and have learned how to solve Cold Cases.

One of the key takeaways from this week’s lessons is the importance of taking accountability for your actions. As a quote by Mahatma Gandhi goes, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” In the context of crime scene investigation, this means that investigators need to take responsibility for their actions and ensure that they follow proper procedures to ensure justice is served.

During the week, learners also learned about the advantages and disadvantages of Cold Cases. Cold Cases are investigations that have been inactive for a long period of time but are reopened in hopes of finding new evidence or leads. The advantage of Cold Cases is that they give investigators a fresh perspective and a new opportunity to solve a case. However, the disadvantage is that evidence may have been lost or destroyed, and witnesses may no longer be available.

Another important aspect of crime scene investigation is understanding blood types. Learners got the chance to explore the different blood types and the role they play in forensic investigations. Blood type can be a crucial piece of evidence in solving a case, as it can help identify a suspect or confirm the presence of a victim.

In Civilization, learners also learned about the spread of reading and writing in the late 1800s. This is an important aspect of history, as it marks a significant shift in the way information is shared and communicated. This shift profoundly impacted society and paved the way for future advancements in communication technology.

In Story Arts, Middle School has taken a pivot. We began the session by focusing on the art of Calligraphy. Our Heroes enjoyed recreating the logos of Google, Harry Potter, and Netflix. We are taking this session further and allowing our learners to bring their creativity and research to life through Wax Museums. Our Heroes were given a changemaker to research. That list of changemakers ranged from Ruth Bader Gendber to Neil Degrass Tyson. Heroes had to record their research by hand so that we could work towards improving our Hero’s handwriting while still giving them a creative and expressive outlet.

Finally, learners continued to work on their AAR (End of Year Action Review), which is an important reflection exercise to help them evaluate their progress over the course of the year. This exercise is essential for learners to take accountability for their own learning and set goals for the future.

Overall, this week in Quest has been an engaging and informative experience for learners. By exploring the fundamentals of forensics and crime scene investigation, understanding the importance of taking accountability, and practicing practical skills like Calligraphy, learners have gained a well-rounded education that will serve them well in their future endeavors.


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