Session 7: Year 5, Week 31 In Review — The Forest School


middle school studio

This week at school was busy, with learners making the most of their time in different subjects.

The school continued to let learners use their time wisely to catch up on any missed work, giving them about 2 hours of dedicated work time. In Story Arts, learners continued to work on their wax museum and write about their creators, using their imagination and creativity to bring their characters to life.

In Quest, learners could work on their badge called “DND” or collaborate with their peers to solve a Cold Case. It was an excellent opportunity for them to collaborate and share their findings, developing their problem-solving skills.

In Civilization, the learners started working on this year’s Story of the World Project, where they summarized everything they had learned over the course of the school year. It was an excellent opportunity for them to reflect on their learning and see how far they have come.

This week our Middle School Heroes learned what traits make quality handwriting. They used this new-found knowledge to assess their fellow Heroes’ handwriting and select three winners who displayed the best handwriting. We concluded the class by hearing more presentations about lesser-known Change Makers like Chess Grandmaster Master Maurice Ashley and Erno Rubik, the inventor of the Rubik’s cube. Heroes will now select their Change Maker and begin preparing for their Wax Museum presentations.

Finally, Trilith had a volunteer day, where learners had the chance to earn some Service Learning hours. It was an opportunity for them to give back to the community and develop essential skills like empathy and teamwork. Overall, it was a productive and exciting week for the learners, with many opportunities for growth and development.


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