What To Do When Someone Takes Their Anger Out On You


We’ve all been there: someone takes their anger out on us, and it leaves us feeling confused, hurt, and sometimes even angry ourselves. But how do we handle these situations in a healthy, constructive manner? This article will provide you with insights into understanding the reasons for anger, how to react when someone takes their anger out on you, effective communication techniques, and practicing self-care.

Understanding the Reasons for Anger

Before we dive into how to handle these situations, it’s essential to understand some common reasons people experience anger.


Anger can often be a byproduct of stress. When someone is dealing with multiple stressors, they may become short-tempered and take their frustrations out on those around them.


Feelings of frustration can lead to anger when someone feels like their needs aren’t being met or they’re facing obstacles that seem insurmountable.


Anger can also be a response to fear. People may lash out when they feel threatened or scared, as a way of protecting themselves.

How to React When Someone Takes Their Anger Out on You

Stay calm

The first thing to remember when someone takes their anger out on you is to stay calm. It’s natural to want to defend yourself or respond with anger, but doing so can escalate the situation. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that their anger is likely not about you personally.

Show empathy

Empathy can help defuse anger. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand where their anger might be coming from. Acknowledge their feelings without agreeing or disagreeing, and let them know you’re listening.

Establish boundaries

It’s essential to set boundaries and let the person know that it’s not okay for them to take their anger out on you. Be assertive, but not confrontational, and make it clear that you’re willing to discuss the issue when both parties are calmer.

Effective Communication Techniques

Active listening

Active listening involves giving your full attention to the speaker and responding with verbal and non-verbal cues to demonstrate your understanding. This can help the other person feel heard and respected, which can reduce their anger.

Use “I” statements

When discussing the situation, use “I” statements to express your feelings without placing blame on the other person. For example, say, “I felt hurt when you yelled at me,” instead of “You hurt me when you yelled.”

Avoid blame

Avoid placing blame on the other person, as this can make them more defensive and less willing to resolve the issue. Focus on finding a solution, rather than assigning fault.

Practicing Self-Care

Engage in physical activity

Exercise is an excellent way to release tension and reduce stress. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a workout at the gym, or a yoga class, finding a physical activity you enjoy can help you feel better after a confrontation.

Seek support

Talking to friends or family members about the situation can provide you with a different perspective and help you process your feelings. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your support network for advice or just a listening ear.

Consider professional help

If you find that you’re struggling to cope with someone’s anger regularly, or it’s affecting your mental health, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance on setting boundaries and developing healthy communication skills.


When someone takes their anger out on you, it can be challenging to navigate the situation. By understanding the reasons for anger, staying calm, showing empathy, and establishing boundaries, you can prevent the situation from escalating. Utilize effective communication techniques such as active listening, “I” statements, and avoiding blame to resolve conflicts. Remember to practice self-care by engaging in physical activity, seeking support, and considering professional help if necessary. By implementing these strategies, you can maintain your well-being and foster healthier relationships.


What is the best way to respond to someone who is angry?

Staying calm, showing empathy, and establishing boundaries are key to responding effectively. Avoid escalating the situation by remaining composed and listening to the person’s concerns.

How can I prevent someone’s anger from affecting my mental health?

Practicing self-care, engaging in physical activity, seeking support from friends and family, and considering professional help can help you maintain your mental well-being.

Why do people take their anger out on others?

People may take their anger out on others due to stress, frustration, or fear. Understanding the reasons behind their anger can help you empathize and respond appropriately.

What are some examples of healthy boundaries when someone takes their anger out on you?

Healthy boundaries may include stating that you will not tolerate yelling, name-calling, or disrespectful behavior. Be assertive but not confrontational when establishing these boundaries.

How can active listening help when someone is angry?

Active listening involves giving your full attention to the speaker and demonstrating that you understand their concerns. This can help the other person feel heard and respected, which can reduce their anger.


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