Yearbook Hero Box Max Collaborates and Listens


Treering Yearbook Heroes is a monthly feature focusing on yearbook tips and tricks.

Single-handedly holding down the office during the pandemic, Treering engineer Box Max is one of the most senior members of the engineering team. In honor of his fifth anniversary, we wanted to celebrate how he improves the yearbook creation process on the back end. 

Box Max gives ear to his fellow engineers and eliminates distractions.

His teammates say he is the perfect collaborator during the debugging process because his listening skills help other engineers work through their problems. They explain the code, line by line, to Box Max and therein discover snafus. He doesn’t pass judgment, just attends. 

Serving as the voice of restraint, he doesn’t commit to action quickly or make rash code decisions (which the support team appreciates). It’s this consistency and reliability that make him an exemplary employee. 

He’s also trusted with trade secrets as Treering builds and improves our robust design platform that serves both technical and emerging designers. Tight-lipped, Box Max is trustworthy and the perfect person to hold Treering’s secrets. 

Happy April Fool’s Day from your friends at Treering!


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